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Interesting Things On the Internet: Edition 2
Interesting Things, Life-Enhancing Change Shannon Pfeffer Interesting Things, Life-Enhancing Change Shannon Pfeffer

Interesting Things On the Internet: Edition 2

Forget banana bread, whipped coffee, and home workouts. This week was my highlight of quarantine. We - finally! - set up a home automation system. It’s both thrilling and giggle-inducing. And it’s one of those things we planned to do for a very long time, but never had the time to do. In between finicking with the app and talking to technology I’ve curated some awesome links for the week.

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Interesting Things On the Internet: Edition 1
Interesting Things, Life-Enhancing Change Shannon Pfeffer Interesting Things, Life-Enhancing Change Shannon Pfeffer

Interesting Things On the Internet: Edition 1

Years ago, I was in a meeting with a new boss. He asked everyone in the office what their superpower was. One by one, we went around the conference room, with most people saying how good they were at an aspect of their job. When it was my turn, I stated the most honest thing I could, not about my job skills, but my superpower. I’m really good at the Internet. Each Friday, I’m going to send out some gems of the Internet. Some about life, some about work, and some cool things I’ve stumbled upon.

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The Next Right Thing
Personal Post, About Syrup, All About You Shannon Pfeffer Personal Post, About Syrup, All About You Shannon Pfeffer

The Next Right Thing

When the lights turn back on, they are going to look different. Still lit up, but unrecognizable. And I can’t ask my clients to pretend that the lights look the same.

Starting today, I’m changing up my offering and moving with the world, not fighting to get it back. I want to help people become better leaders and realize they can cultivate life-enhancing change.

To those with jobs or not, those graduating into an uncertain market, those who feel stuck and unheard, I’m here for you. Now, always, and through whatever comes next.

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Life-Enhancing Change Shannon Pfeffer Life-Enhancing Change Shannon Pfeffer


Even though I have been regularly working at home for nearly four years, working from home, 100% of the time, has brought about new challenges. Yes, there's the new normal of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday labeled under their new moniker, "Day." And there's the blur of meal times and finding comfort in favorite childhood meals (hello, PBJ) and cookies (Girl Scouts, you rock). But the strangest feeling I've gotten out of WFH is panic-working.

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Be the Mountain in the Snowstorm
All About You Shannon Pfeffer All About You Shannon Pfeffer

Be the Mountain in the Snowstorm

You know that one piece of great advice that you hang onto? That nugget that you keep close to your chest for a rainy day. That thing you plan to not share with anyone, because it’s yours and it’s gold.

I have one. A mantra that I use professionally and personally to get me back to center when a moment gets to be too much. And I want to share it with you.

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