Be the Mountain in the Snowstorm

You know that one piece of great advice that you hang onto? That nugget that you keep close to your chest for a rainy day. That thing you plan to not share with anyone, because it’s yours and it’s gold.

I have one. A mantra that I use professionally and personally to get me back to center when a moment gets to be too much. When breathing through it, taking a walkabout, or disconnecting just don’t cut it. This mantra is always there and it surrounds my head or my heart (or sometimes both) with clarity and calm.

In the spirit of kindness and generosity (and because the world is absolutely bananas right now), I want to share it with you. If it brings you or anyone in your orbit a sense of relief or comfort, then my job is done. And the mantra gets to serve its purpose beyond being mine for safekeeping.

Be the mountain in the snowstorm.” -Pema Chödrön

When things around you are out of control and completely chaotic, the best way to manage the situation is to just be. Be strong. Be tall. Be unshakeable. That’s when clarity happens. You can see beyond the blur in front of you and see what is going on all around you. Understanding this mantra puts perspective in any situation. It prevents reacting too quickly and throwing out the strategy. It helps show you what really matters in a situation, a relationship, or even insights about yourself.

This mantra is the most powerful tool that I’ve come across for clarity. Seeing the world, a situation or a person clearly is a gift. One that we often let slip because we’re too busy watching the snowstorm cover everything in sight.

Right now is a very tempting time to get snowed in. But you’ve got the power to see through it, whiteout and all. Be that mountain. See the magic that’s all around you, now that you can firmly feel the ground. And share the mantra with someone who needs it.




Setting Boundaries