Have tried every diet on the market

and felt like nothing works?

Learn how to step away from restrictive dieting and create lasting results that fit into your real (busy) life.



  • You’re overwhelmed by what you should be eating and what diet plan to follow, nothing seems to work into your busy life

  • You’ve failed too many times to count

  • You are miserable trying to reach your fat loss goals and you’re tired of it not working

  • You start something new with high motivation but lose steam once Friday hits

  • You feel like you’re losing your energy and your new norm is feeling sluggish

  • You are hungry & never feel satiated with anything you eat

  • You feel anxious when you see others look the way you want

  • You want to feel strong and fit, but you can’t find a way to have your nutrition and lifestyle help you meet your goals

  • You feel restricted when you are on a plan but need structure to fit health and wellness into your busy life

  • You need to be held accountable and supported, but your family and friends aren’t the people

  • You don’t know where to start but know you need to make a change

1:1 Nutrition and Wellness Coaching is the Solution

Why Nutrition and Wellness Coaching?

1:1 Nutrition and Wellness Coaching provides support and accountability in making long-term sustainable changes in your health. Whether your goals are related to optimization, weight loss, performance, healthy relationships with food, eating for energy, and ending the dieting cycle, tailored nutrition and wellness coaching ensures you are making changes that fit with your busy lifestyle through guidance and support from an experienced coach.

Experience Real, Long-Lasting Results

What you’ll get with 1:1 Nutrition and Wellness Coaching

  • Establish Your Vision

    60-minute kick-off call with your SPW® coach to discuss your unique health and wellness vision. We can tailor your plan and goals to you and no one else.

  • Your Tailored Plan

    SPW® tailored nutrition and wellness plan, personalized to your vision.

    Throughout our work together this plan will be updated and adjusted along with your progress and development.

  • Your Daily Schedule

    SPW® customized morning and nighttime routines and eating plans delivered to your inbox in a digital download format, adding important reminders and routines directly into your calendar.

  • Weekly Check In's & Accountability

    Weekly calls with your coach + unlimited voice messaging for ongoing support at your fingertips.

    We will talk about wins and challenges, energy and performance, and make adjustments necessary to continue seeing progress so that you never feel stuck or alone or overwhelmed.

  • Resources

    SPW® Selects - recipes and favorite brand lists (food, drink, fitness, wellness tech, etc.) plus additional nutrition education to make the work integrated into your life.

  • Unlimited Support

    Unlimited support from your SPW® coach via email so that you always have the accountability and guidance you need, when you need it.

    Our goal is to help you through your specific challenges and questions, and celebrate your wins and progress. Your coach will respond to your check ins and messages within 24 hours - rain or shine.

Get in Touch and Find Out If We’re a Perfect Fit to Work Together


1:1 Nutrition and Wellness Coaching is for you if:

1:1 Nutrition and Wellness Coaching is NOT for you if:

  • You want to learn how to eat for endless energy, curb your cravings, and have a healthier relationship with food

  • You are ready to quit the endless cycle of diets and restrictions for good

  • You want to lessen your anxieties and overwhelm around health and wellness

  • You want to meet your fat loss goals and change your body composition

  • You want to learn how to make and maintain sustainable, long-lasting changes that will benefit you for life

  • You want to build skills that will allow you to manage your nutrition on your own, even with a busy schedule

  • You are ready to create a relationship with your SPW® coach, ask questions, and receive honest feedback

  • You want to make serious lifestyle changes and are ready to put in the effort to do so

  • You are looking for a drill sergeant to tell you what to do and when

  • You are looking for a “set it and forget it” relationship with your coach

  • You believe that just by hiring someone, results will happen

  • You want quick-fix results

  • You aren’t ready to put in the time, energy, or effort to make real change in your life

Ready to get started?

6 Weeks


$250 per week

Empowering you to meet your goals and teaching you our proven method of integrating nutrition and wellness for real life into your life. Ideal for those just getting started or those refocusing on their health goals.

Best Value

12 Weeks


$200 per week

Ideal for those on a fat loss journey or solving a challenging nutrition & wellness or food relationship issue.

Consultation Call


one-time call

The SPW® comprehensive nutrition & wellness consultation with Shannon Pfeffer is tailored to your goals and pressing health questions.



You could wait until next week. You could wait until you're less stressed. You could wait until your kids are older. You could wait until work is less busy. You could wait... but why?

Most of us have about 4,000 weeks of our entire lives.

Why wait another week to get started?

The easiest thing you can do is wait. Wait another day, wait another season, wait another year. To be the person you want to be. To achieve your goals. To be the person of your dreams.

There’s no need to wait anymore. Let’s get started.


  • Yes! If you are considering any of the coaching programs, you have the desire to change. We help you feel supported and accountable - i.e. make you make time for this important work. It is your health and life... dare we say more important than that Zoom meeting.

  • There are certain parts of wellness that are expensive, but they are usually the unattainable that make news headlines. While a 10-day retreat with a Shaman on a remote, cell-phone free island sounds incredible, how many people can actually do that? SPW® coaching programs are for busy people, it's meant to be attainable. And it's the first step in creating a wellness habit that lasts. AND changes your life for the best, health-wise, now and in your future.

  • Our food intake is one area of wellness that we have 100% control in. What goes in and out of our bodies matters. Both in the quality and quantity of it. AND in when you eat it. The SPW® method teaches you what to eat and when, and when you learn how to make it a habit, it changes your entire life. No matter how long you've been feeling tired, I promise, you can feel vibrant again.

  • Yes! I believe wholeheartedly that we need others to make changes in our lives.

    Which is why, when you purchase any of the SPW® coaching programs you'll get paired with a coach that will hold you accountable for the work and support you when it's hard.

  • You are in great hands with Shannon and the entire team at SPW®. Depending on schedule/availability, Shannon takes on 1:1 clients. Requests can be made (but not guaranteed) to work with her upon signing up for your program.

Ready to Get Started?