The Next Right Thing

You know those “in the shower” moments, where people think of brilliant ideas? I’ve got them, but mine aren’t in the shower, they’re on a run. Since I was a teenager, I’ve always felt something cathartic about running. It clears my head and my heart. Even more than the endorphins, I live for the sweat on my cheeks and the dirt on my calves. Fostering a connection to things that are tangible, real, and also, totally out of my control.

I’ve been going on runs as often as I can these days. To fill a void and to think. On a recent run, it occurred to me that I needed to put in perspective the next right thing for Syrup. There is so much unknown in the world right now. When the lights turn back on, they are going to look different. Still lit up, but unrecognizable. And I can’t ask my clients to pretend that the lights look the same.

Starting today, I’m changing up my offering and moving with the world, not fighting to get it back. I want to help people become better leaders and realize they can cultivate life-enhancing change.

To those with jobs or not, those graduating into an uncertain market, those who feel stuck and unheard, I’m here for you. Now, always, and through whatever comes next.

An intro session is on the house.

New packages are starting at $300 per month.


Interesting Things On the Internet: Edition 1

