Interesting Things On the Internet: Edition 2

Forget banana bread, whipped coffee, and home workouts. This week was my highlight of quarantine. We - finally! - set up a home automation system. It’s both thrilling and giggle-inducing. And it’s one of those things we planned to do for a very long time, but never had the time to do. In between finicking with the app and talking to technology I’ve curated some awesome links for the week. Here you go:

Postcards for Good: Denver-based agency Cultivator launched a postcard mailing campaign to capture what's on our minds today, for our future selves. Each card is $1 to send, but preferably (and because it's the right thing to do), you can also add a donation to select charities helping people where they need it the most. 

Missing Sounds of New York: New York Public Library has a great website. Their Books to Remember lists always have off the chart recommendations that aren't always on the bestseller lists. Now, they're taking on music with sounds New Yorkers may be missing right about now.   

United Sodas of America: Admit it, we're all looking for desk candy about now. Insert these gorgeous (this isn't even hyperbole) canned sodas that are good for you.  

Tiny Habits Daily: Every day at 2 pm PST, Stanford professor B.J. Fogg teaches 15 minutes of habits to implement during this particular time of life. Each day is a different theme of fun, surprises, and addictive habiting. (Yep, it's a word.) 

Positive Psychology: Over 80% of people who take this Coursera class change their career paths. Did you hear that? Eighty percent. Want to change your life? The next session begins this week. 

Creative Face Masks: Face masks are now more than just whatever you can scrounge up or order quickly off of Etsy. Like hair or fashion, face masks are making their stamp on the world as a statement piece. Whether expressing views or personal style, here's a roundup of ones that are head turners. 


Interesting Things On the Internet: Edition 3


Interesting Things On the Internet: Edition 1