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A Side of Syrup Podcast - EP 005: The Importance of Community Building with Brooke Lawler of Behere
Podcast, Wellness, Health Shannon Pfeffer Podcast, Wellness, Health Shannon Pfeffer

A Side of Syrup Podcast - EP 005: The Importance of Community Building with Brooke Lawler of Behere

Why does building a community matter for your health and the well-being of those around you?

That’s one of many important and timely topics that Brooke and I dive into on this episode. Which also happens to be the very first guest episode fo this podcast! Brooke Lawler of Behere is sharp, smart, and genuine. She’s someone who is authentically herself in any setting. She’s comfortable and she makes you feel comfortable. No wonder she’s built a business, a side hustle, and a life all around community. This episode touches on career, family, philosophy, and the importance of getting dirty outside. Enjoy it, with a warm cup of coffee (IYKYK), preferably in nature.

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All In For Simplicity
Health, Wellness Shannon Pfeffer Health, Wellness Shannon Pfeffer

All In For Simplicity

For this week’s Wellness Wednesday, we’re discussing the art of living more simplified lives. Things can be hard or they can be easy - but let’s make a concentrated effort to make things simple. A few less steps equals alot less stress.

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How to Build a Summer Bucket List
All About You, How-to, Wellness Shannon Pfeffer All About You, How-to, Wellness Shannon Pfeffer

How to Build a Summer Bucket List

Taking myself out for an alfresco dinner. Check!

I’ve got a coffee mug that says, “the days are long, but the years are short.” And as I’ve gotten older, the endless summer days feel like they are in warp speed. By the time I’ve made it to a beach day, I’m getting served ads for sweaters. That’s why I started creating seasonal bucket lists. While not everything has to be checked off (too much pressure there), it’s fun to plan for and savor these sweet, sweet moments of the season. Here’s how to build a seasonal bucket list.

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A Side of Syrup Podcast - EP 002: How to Incorporate Summer Superfoods Into Your Meals
Food, Wellness, Podcast Shannon Pfeffer Food, Wellness, Podcast Shannon Pfeffer

A Side of Syrup Podcast - EP 002: How to Incorporate Summer Superfoods Into Your Meals

Summer is here. Let's eat like it. Or drink like it. If you could hear this. But this is the time in here that we love, love, love, because there's such good stuff for the farmers market and good stuff at the store. The past couple of weeks, I've been diving into four things that anybody can get anywhere the season, and going into what you can do with that stuff.

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Finding Wellness in Las Vegas
Travel, Wellness, Recipes Shannon Pfeffer Travel, Wellness, Recipes Shannon Pfeffer

Finding Wellness in Las Vegas

When my husband asked me what I wanted to do for my birthday this year, without hesitation I said Las Vegas. An answer that surprised him greatly. I'm not really a partier or a gambler. I did need to get out of the house and away from my routine. But I also had another reason why Vegas was the destination of choice - wellness.

Wellness and Vegas are words that are not often used together. In fact, when I told some friends about the plan one of them said the gangsters who founded Vegas were rolling over in their graves at the thought of my trip. I get it, I get it! While it may not be the most popular opinion, Las Vegas is actually a wellness lover's dream.

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