A Side of Syrup Podcast - EP 005: The Importance of Community Building with Brooke Lawler of Behere

Why does building a community matter for your health and the well-being of those around you?

That’s one of many important and timely topics that Brooke and I dive into on this episode. Which also happens to be the very first guest episode fo this podcast!

Brooke is sharp, smart, and genuine. She’s someone who is authentically herself in any setting. She’s comfortable and she makes you feel comfortable. No wonder she’s built a business, a side hustle, and a life all around community.

This episode touches on career, family, philosophy, and the importance of getting dirty outside. Enjoy it, with a warm cup of coffee (IYKYK), preferably in nature.


Show Notes:

[3:36] Disenchantment with climbing the corporate ladder

[5:46] If I knew it would have turned out this way 3 years ago, I probably wouldn’t have taken the leap. But I’m so glad that I did.

[10:03] The importance of finding and building your community.

[15:04] Brooke’s journey to finding her life’s calling.

[21:18] Getting allergic to feeling comfortable.

[29:06] Admitting we cannot do it all and the inception of Behere.

[49:40] Mistaken commonalities for community.


Connect with Brooke and Behere

Website: behere.re

Instagram: @behere_re

Wine Instagram: @wine_for_good

Connect with Shannon:

Website: thisissyrup.com

Instagram: @syrupcoaching

Facebook: www.facebook.com/syrupcoaching

Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/syrupcoaching

Syrup free resources: thisissyrup.com/resource-library

Brooke Lawler of Behere discusses the importance of building community.

Full episode transcript:

Hi! My name is Shannon Pfeffer. I'm obsessed with understanding the how and the why behind feeling good and translating that knowledge into strategies that help you live better.

Each week we'll dive into conversations about food, fitness, stress, career, and family. We'll learn from each other, feel more connected, and we'll explore ways to design a life you love.

So what are you waiting for? Keep listening for tips, tricks, and fun facts about feeling good, looking good, and living better. And don't forget to bring a snack. This is the A Side of Syrup Podcast.



Hi guys I am thrilled today to bring you Brooke Lawlor of be here brooke and I have been friends for quite a long time. We had a similar life path working in the same industry having kids boys at the same time. Um. Now are both mamas of 3 and doing our own thing and brooke is someone who I have always looked up to even though we're roughly the same age and and in life stage but she's always done her own thing and she hasn't looked back and she always. Always always bring people along with her to just one of those natural team builders. None of those people who listens and there's that automatic trust factor and when she gives you advice or you know really thinks about what you're discussing her. Her answers are. Just so thoughtful and special. Um, just a really gem of a human. So I'm really thrilled to introduce her to all of you today. Um Brooke Lawlor is an entrepreneur and co-founder of be here. A co-working space meets outdoor enrichment program for independent workers and learners and it's launching in Summer Twenty Twenty three in Southern California be here is on a mission to help people live less hurried lives supported by community and nature and brooke. A little bit more about herself when she isn't working to launch be here or in full mom mode as a mama of 3 you'll find her hosting clean crafted wine tasting to support. You'll find her hosting clean crafted wine tastings to support regenerative. Agriculture.



You'll find her hosting clean crafted wine tastings to support regenerative agriculture when I say Brooke does it all. She does it all and she does it all well with a smile and with grace.



Hi Brooke. How are you? Oh I am fueled up on a lot of coffee today. Ah not a lot of sleep last night but you know the feeling.


Brooke Lawler

Um, nice good. How are you.


Brooke Lawler

Um, ah oh yeah I mean permanent Mom tired. It's a thing you just you just keep going.



Yeah, oh yes, yeah, but I think we have it better in California because we can get a little bit of like a sun tan and that makes you look look a little bit more awake. That's my theory.


Brooke Lawler

Yeah, you do yeah right? we get that glow.



Um, well, um, everybody here today. Um Brooke and I have known each other many many years. Um and through many lives as as career professionals as moms as friends. Um, but I love to introduce you guys to brooke herself. Um. Brooke Lawlor tell everybody about you just like a quick bio of um who you are and um, what you're here to chat about today.


Brooke Lawler

Yeah, well I think it's good to just kind of explain how we met so Shannon and I go back a few years ago. Gosh it could even be longer now from the corporate advertising world and that's really where I got my my professional start was in advertising. Straight out of college I went into that field worked my way up from the real bottom feeder positions all the way to um, you know the the head of marketing role at my last agency and Shannon and I overlapped there at the last agency we were at both um on strategy she was in strategy I was in accounts and I really loved all of my advertising experience because it isn't like a job in accounting where all you do is accounting when you work in advertising you get to touch a none different businesses. You get to wear a none different hats. So I feel like it prepared me better than any career. For an entrepreneurial path. There's so much experience I still draw from today from that you know None ear career in advertising and um, yeah, so that was where I got my start and then um, a few years ago coming up on three years ago we made a. Ah, big shift individually and as a family and we're still in that the journey is still unfolding into on more entrepreneurial path. So um, that and my background.



Awesome I can't you did can't wait to dive into it more I'm a None questions for you about everything you've been doing and shifting as of late but it's so funny because I agree with that too about advertising prepares you to take on the world now.


Brooke Lawler

Um, for this.



You are thrown into especially when you're at the bottom feeder level. You were thrown into so much like cold turkey like here go and pitch the Ceo on something or go fly to New York for this meeting and you just know how to do things. So quickly and the learning curve could be great but you're just like I can handle it I can take on anything. Um, but it's also hard to walk away from that too because there's so much opportunity as you grow and go up the the ladder but. How how did you kind of like take that step back and be like this isn't for me anymore.


Brooke Lawler

It's really a good Point. You make about how it's scary to step away from advertising because it's a very attractive industry.. There's so much opportunity for Upward movement. The culture is great. The people we work with are great and I always say. Now be careful at what you're good at because it may not be what you're meant to do in advertising was something I was good at but it wasn't I always knew that little voice there that you kind of Quiet. It's not your life calling. It comes with really amazing opportunities. Good pay Eventually you know as you work your way Up. Um.





Brooke Lawler

But yeah when I got to a certain level right? when you kind of get to the top and you peek into the seas suite and you you get to sit at the table with the board and I had opportunities like that and you're like I guess I was disappointed like this This is it and as a lifelong like. Learner. Ah ah, real growth. Mindset growth Hacker person I Want to be around the most stimulating exciting inspiring people and I just saw more of that in the entrepreneurial space. So I started to get I guess disenchanted with um, what the top looked like. And it got to the point where I was always ideating new Businesses. We were even trying to make change inside the agency World. You remember we were working on like the parental a better parental leave policy and it was those things that it felt like I've described this before in a previous newsletter like a tugboat just trying to turn around a cruise ship.





Brooke Lawler

And I just thought you know what this isn't mine to change I get to do these things that I want to do when I have my own private company and so then the moment for me was when I realized it was scarier not to make the change than it was to do the change when I thought.





Brooke Lawler

And this is all's grotesque. But when I get on my my deathbed one day and I look look back if I'm a Ceo of an advertising agency is that going to be fulfilling if I own my own agency and and and the answer was no so um, there we kind of started over.





Brooke Lawler

At the time I had a side business already and as a wine consultant and it was just fun. It's just been fun, but it wasn't really what I thought I would grow into a full-on business but we sold our home. We moved into a little tiny house on a friend's land. And we had a whole other startup that because of 2020 and many twists and turns we didn't end up pursuing as such goes the entrepreneurial path. Um, but it's okay because if I knew now like if I knew when we made that decision three years ago where we would be today.





Brooke Lawler

Probably would have not done it I would have been like oh it didn't that didn't all pan out so easily yet today I stand here and I still go I'm glad I did it I'm glad we're doing this I'm glad we're trying to design our life in a new way. Um.



I think.



Great and I oh gosh please this is life. Um, it's interesting. You see that too of like we never know what the future is going to be like and if we know something would not work out. Would we ever take that leap probably not.


Brooke Lawler




But I always look back at one of my favorite people and favorite bosses and she had two kids and she was traveling nonstop working in advertising and you could just see that she was never happy and I looked at her and was like I don't want your life I don't want it. And I know when we worked together you were communing on the train for hours a day and that was taking away from your your family probably any personal time you had to like take care of yourself in any way and then you you roll up to a job where you're sitting at the table.


Brooke Lawler

The head.



But there's just no like electric charge there. You know you you had to do something else. Regardless if it worked or not like you can't live life that way. Although so many people do because they think they have to.


Brooke Lawler

Yeah, it's not sustainable that um for lack of a better term that Rat race and in in some ways it was rechargeable because I got a nap on the train every day can you imagine right? What if you get to wake up and like go get a nap in the morning.



And hit.


Brooke Lawler

And there was nannies and there was support and all that and then in other ways it was yeah, you're burning the candle at both ends and really got to the point where I was so tired of being the mom at the park on Saturday that nobody knew.





Brooke Lawler

Like it's not to say I want my whole identity as this like Stay-at-ho Mom like that is not fulfilling for me I like hybrids I'm a hybrid I'm a huge hybrid person. But I gosh I Really want to know more people in my own community and but that must have been some subconscious intention because now I sit here.



Um, yeah.


Brooke Lawler

And a business that is very that lives off of Network a network and then that phrase of your network is your net worth could not be more true being more plugged in knowing my community like having more local mom friends um just being more entrenched in this area where I live. It's been the biggest paycheck from the life shift and it's not to say I'm here I'm like monetizing people I mean paycheck in just the way you feel and that it takes a village mentality that comes forward when you invest in humans. So That's been.



Listen no.



Um, yeah, you know it's interesting too. It's a lot of people have talked about like the blue zones around the world where people live to a hundred and they attributed it for so long to diet and okay these.


Brooke Lawler

The biggest payoff of the life switch.


Brooke Lawler

Um, the.



Potatoes are only grown in this remote island in Japan and that's why they live so long but the studies they've done further and further. It's all about the community and how dialed in these people are to their community. That's what actually makes them live longer. Keep their brains healthy their hearts healthy because.


Brooke Lawler

Um, yeah.



It's all about being there for those around them and it sounds like you're creating that space for you and it's it's making you guys happy.


Brooke Lawler

As in.


Brooke Lawler

It is. It's it's the biggest thing as community I think we came out, we're coming out of like None of the heaviest isolation periods. Well that I've known in my lifetime and that created some like you know, dark days some gloomy days in the mind for sure. Um, so like there's nothing more important that to. Then like building community and finding intentionally finding good family friends for us for the whole family That's a big that's a big priority. But um, yeah I guess the the biggest.



With him.


Brooke Lawler

Benefit from the like the shift from corporate to entrepreneurial is just that time freedom I Think when you unpack everything we're all pursuing that like some people say financial freedom or whatever it is but at the bottom of it all. We're all pursuing like I get to decide.



You and.





Brooke Lawler

What my day looks like I don't want to wake up with an alarm clock I I don't ever want to wake up with an alarm clock I'm sure there'll be exceptions but I always want to wake up with the sun and go to bed when I'm tired and sure there's time stamps for certain meetings and meals when you're hungry. But I'm loving not having this like packed calendar of events that you have to do when you're in advertising you know you have to sit there and like just like master your day and jam more in and find pockets and when you live like that you're living in a permanent state of.








Brooke Lawler

Like stress whether you're aware of it or not you get good at it. But it's a constant little cortisol rush and that's speaking back to the blue zone idea people in those areas also have slower lives they have they know they're in community they have slower lives.









Yeah, they eat meals together. Okay.


Brooke Lawler

Make scratch food together. Everything we get they slowly exist. They're more mindful and intentional about their time and that's really what I'm after.



Yeah, and then when you sort of stop getting paid like when you work in a corporate job. It's like you're getting paid for hours spent on this work. But that's fine, but like there's so much more value and getting.


Brooke Lawler




Quote Unquote paid to be with your kids to have time for yourself to like ideate a new business idea like that is so much more fulfilling than the actual like dollar. You'd be getting.


Brooke Lawler



Brooke Lawler

Yeah, and and I'm I'm sort of unlocking this like there's money everywhere like there's ways to make money everywhere and when you get out of the paycheck the salary that that that mindset the employee mindset.





Brooke Lawler

You can start to kind of go. Oh Wow like there's different ways to monetize all over and hopefully get to a place of passive income that just money makes money while you sleep. That's that's that's the dream.



Yeah, oh ah, hundred percent a hundred percent and so funny when I I was considering like do I you know shift over or full time. Do I do this do I take this leave Aaron was like come to the bright side with me and I was like bright side. It's kind of like the dark side because it's like you know it's it's unfamiliar. It's it's you know I is this worth the risk and he's like Shannon it's the bright side because it's awesome and you get to live your life to your schedule.


Brooke Lawler

Yeah, yeah.


Brooke Lawler

Um, that.



And I just I've witnessed you do it for so long and and just to see your journey are just like she's she's figuring it out and I love like I'd love to watch you figure it out like I mean because it's an example for me and to so many? Um, but I know that like.


Brooke Lawler

Ah, no.



There's been a couple of big changes I'd love to like talk about specifically like you started this wine consultant business as a side hustle but it had just grown and you have a massive like team you have done an alternate plan for your kiddos for school and Then. You guys have a whole new business Venture. So. There's so much to tackle where do you want to kind of dive into None.


Brooke Lawler

Yeah I am okay so all the yeah so the wine business is like I said is just a side hustle and then it got to this point where it ah should I build this or not and I think I had a lot of fear about having a team and and it's a direct sales business model So you. You really don't have employees but I think I had some like some stress that I would be managing people and I'm like I don't want to do that You know, um, but it wasn't bad. It's not yeah, it's not the same and you know like it. It's just ah, everybody's still an independent.



But you're an amazing manager I'm just gonna throw that in to get think you have.


Brooke Lawler

And you're just there to mentor and so I found that that was okay, it wasn't the same as Corporate World. You're they're on their own they got to do what they need to do to make the most out of the business and I'm just here to help guide and so once I got over that. Yes, then the team started to grow a lot None hit and everybody was drinking and. Ecommerce wine businesses did very well ours specifically did very well so that was a huge increase. Um, and then I'm like okay well let's do this because I can fit it around my family I can go to wine tastings on weeknights and weekends like I don't have to compromise that like.





Brooke Lawler

10 a m to 1 p m park date time that I really enjoy with you know, doing with friends so that's been huge in um, still having ah like a piece of identity and professionalism that I need is it my life calling. No.



Um, and.





Brooke Lawler

But I know it was the conduit to everything because now as we are really in our final startup venture with ah what we call be here co-working space meets outdoor enrichment. It's amazing to see.





Brooke Lawler

Every resource every advisor every solution up here because of a network that I created through the wine and I wouldn't have had that if I stayed in advertising and I had my but you see the same like 12 people every day in advertising and you don't.






Um, event.


Brooke Lawler

Know that many people when you're going to an office and you literally have walls all around you so that those None they work in beautiful harmony I try to only pick things now that how does this venture support my true dream which is to launch this. Um, community of independent workers and learners and if it doesn't if it doesn't somehow fit I can't I got to start saying no or else. It will deter the goal the goal it'll take longer. Ah.






Yeah, the past three years have you kind of felt like you had to say yes to a lot.


Brooke Lawler

Yes I did they did and I had took on some consulting and I had all I had too much and so I'm kind of chewing the chopping block now and you said no to me recently which made me think of it like when I asked if you were still doing strategy work. Because I had a referral for you and that and I loved that whenever I taught ask someone something and they say no I go good good boundary like I get like a like a rise out of being around women that can say no because it's not really where you said something like it's not really what I'm focusing on now and I was just like.





Brooke Lawler

Yes, okay, good like happy with that answer I'm not even bummed.



But probably a year year and a half ago I would have been like how do I make this work. How do I not sleep and how do I take this on from my friend you know and I think like when you kind of know your lane you stay in it.


Brooke Lawler

That what.



And you're not looking at like ooh is like light up sign. Maybe I should turn left and go here.


Brooke Lawler

Yeah, you got to get those blinders on right? like what the horses have in the race I don't know the term but you know what I'm talking about. They can't see the left or the right You can't look over each color run your race. So.



Um, yeah, yeah, yeah, right? It's narrow focus.


Brooke Lawler

Know if I answered your question I feel like I maybe packed in a bunch but was like.



No no, this is a hey this is a conversation. It's gonna flow. Um, but yeah I mean I think you know there's the theme of community just keeps rising in your life like you develop the the wine community and.


Brooke Lawler




You know, probably unexpectedly tapped into so many people within that Organization. You know farmers markets like people people just you wouldn't have encountered normally but you're so glad you did and they're just feeling not only your life and your family's life. But. You know your your ultimate dream and what what you guys really have your your mind and and your heart set On. Um so it just you know it seems like community was your calling and you you were amazing doing it in the corporate world of like bringing people together and ideas together. But. Like you're saying like that that in the beginning like that was your gift from that role and like you've taken that now into your life and now you're building the ultimate community.


Brooke Lawler

Right? Like how you're right? like how could I I use those skills but I couldn't impact as many people because it was a closed just a closed tight circle. So you mentioned farmers markets and I'm I'm recalling how amazing that time was because.



Me. Um, yeah.


Brooke Lawler

Really pushed me out of my comfort zone like you're you're sitting there talking to really complete strangers and as good as I can be you know in the pitch room and and and improv and extemporaneously speaking I really am not an extrovert I'm an like intro extrovert I like like. None people that I already kind of know in a dinner setting then for sure I might ramble too long but in like big groups or that cold setting. Oh I get so tired from it so I had to push push through that and I've met some of my best friends like.






Go ahead.


Brooke Lawler

From because of the farmer's market. They were that they were either there or they introduced me to somebody else right? They were maybe 1 or ° away from somebody that I was just meant to me and that that's really rewarding I think the theme is yeah, there's community.








Brooke Lawler

And then there's this like the word comfort just breaking out of your comfort if I'm gonna make this whole C ah alliteration here and then just being consistent with that like just just get adding out of your comfort zone consistently doing that and now I've gotten to the point place where I I want to be.





Brooke Lawler

Allergic to being comfortable like just like just keep pushing past like fears and pushing past comfort because there's so much gold on the other side that's where you get just so much. Let so many lessons so many blessings just when we get out of our own way.



Yeah I mean it's like it's sort of like watching children play and when they don't have those those barriers or boundaries they have creativity and openness for everything.


Brooke Lawler

You hit.



You know and like to take that and be able to live your life that way is amazing. You're you're trying things for the None time that probably feel like a struggle but you're going to feel amazing afterwards just like a kid going down the slide. The None time would would feel.


Brooke Lawler

Yeah, it's interesting that you say bring up the kid thing because I was just talking with a woman that owns her own nature school on the East Coast just interviewing getting advisors on all things for our be here business. She talked about how kids actually.





Brooke Lawler

Lot of kids don't actually know how to play like free play like the way we they do they they need a little guidance a little structure and I thought about that a lot. How being an entrepreneur is just like this open playing field and sometimes it's like paralyzing.



I Yeah yeah.





Brooke Lawler

Because you no one's telling you what to do and similarly as a kid depending on the educational structure you put them in Either. You're gonna step into a classroom where everything is prescribed or they might be. You might be at like a waldorf school where like it's way more free play way more open. And I learned from this educator that most people kids are people We're all just versions of it. Different ages. They need a little bit of guidance a little bit of boundaries to then be wild and free I'm like that was so.



Me. Okay.


Brooke Lawler

Resonated so much with me and I thought about the the creative brief back to bringing it back to advertising how a good brief doesn't overly prescribe. It's not um, overly prescriptive or laborious and wordy and long. But if it's too bare.



Um, the month. Yeah.


Brooke Lawler

Then everyone's looking at you with like ah I don't know how to walk out of this room and succeed on this campaign and so I'm just been like running that idea in my mind a lot lately where like life That's just life like give yourself enough of an environment for success enough boundaries.






Um, yeah.


Brooke Lawler

That sandbox to play in not too much. Um, so I'm just that's really with the journey I'm on is how to like sit within a space of enough limitations and constraints. Um, but also enough space to just create. Without feeling too confined and it's tricky.



Yeah, but that's that's a really great analogy because I would've never really thought about that, especially from a school that you know I don't know too much about different school methods or ways. But you know I think nature school and I Think. You know playing like make playing make-believe jumping in Tunnel. You know like getting out there with nature and like feeling connected to it. But yeah I mean I guess to to have a little bit of. Here's how we do this or a little bit of instruction or a little bit so it's not a completely loose Rope. It's not a tight rope but it's you know it's there. But that's also a great way to to think about life like how you're you know, taking it.


Brooke Lawler




To heart because you know you I can see so many people who even I have worked with who if they don't receive enough direction just sit there. There's no, it's hard enough as it is to take action on a Day-to- day basis.


Brooke Lawler

Um, observe.



Without having someone sort of guide you along the way like in your ear or a boss or something like most people don't know how to take that next step or they can take that one step and then they like don't go further. Um you know which is. What what I do when I coach people I help people like stay accountable and you know to to move forward to get to the goal that they want or to change the behavior that they want. Um, but if you say you have to follow this plan and you can never have a potato chip again then people are like.


Brooke Lawler




Whatever. But if you give them no action plan then they still feel like whatever but it's like that happy balance. You have to fall in. So.


Brooke Lawler

Um, yeah.


Brooke Lawler

Yeah, and you probably get in that a lot with coaching people that are really looking for you to tell them what to do and earth. You're probably just trying to unlock some clarity that's already inside them right? I'm just putting words in your in your mouth.






Um, no, but it is yeah.


Brooke Lawler

Like you know what to do? How do we find that inside of you that conviction because you already know what to do most of the time people know they just don't want to do it.



Yeah, yeah, exactly it's like that that that um, what's it action paralysis. Um, because yeah like I don't want someone to be my client forever. Ah, you know I want to get them to where they need to go and if there's we get to that point and there's other things we want to work on great.


Brooke Lawler




Um, or there's like a big thing. They want to prepare for and we work on it for a period of time. Cool. But like I don't want to work with someone for None ars you know because then I'm not doing my job effectively and they're not. You know they're not moving the needle on their end. They're just paying me and. That's not worth it on either side.


Brooke Lawler

And I want to ask you a question on your coaching business your your like unique special sauce is helping people make big change right? is that what you would say yeah that are contemplating big shifts like this.



Yeah, yeah, yes, yeah. Yeah, yeah, it could be in a couple of areas you know for for me helping especially the the corporate.


Brooke Lawler

That we're talking about.



Female because I've had so much experience. You know you know either, You're emerging in your career or you've hit the top and you're like what what do I do This is not it. Um, you know and also that what comes along with that. You know it's It's the burnout. It's so ordering.


Brooke Lawler

Yeah, yeah.


Brooke Lawler

Um, and.



All the time. It's the I don't have time to take care of myself I got office. But um you I you know just like it office part. Oh my gosh that's moment office. But.


Brooke Lawler

Office but that's so good. It's like a flat omb but but office. But yeah, yeah, you're making me like want to clench my cheeks right now. Ah.



After having the twins I like definitely like looked in the mirror in the side profile I'm like Aaron I've got off this but um, so but you but you know it's like everything that like falls apart when your career is moving forward. You know and how do you? How do you fix that part of that too.


Brooke Lawler

Um, yeah.


Brooke Lawler




Because you know there there comes a point where you you get competent enough in yourself and what you're doing where you're like this is who I am and this is what I'm going to do and this is how I do it but it takes a lot of people a long time to get to that place. So.


Brooke Lawler

Absolutely and we cannot do it all. We can have it all just not at the same time it will have to get real with we have to outsource certain things right? like there's just no way around that there's as ah as women who are driven.



And Then. Um, yeah, yeah.


Brooke Lawler

And want to be with much hands on with our kids and in our kitchen right? like you and you and I are very similar in that way like the food we eating whole food eating right? Like cannot do all that so you have to go What am I willing to outsource and.





Brooke Lawler

What is like no non-negotiable for me like I'm hands on on this and that where that's the dance I'm always dancing on you know, like ah I'm homeschooling my kids and I'm like is that really sustainable. How do I Still what's behind that. What's behind that is a custom education like or really custom education.



Yeah, yeah, what.


Brooke Lawler

I don't need to be the one that does it all you know So that's that's the the goal is like how do we call in the village for but but to still achieve the goal.



Right? right? right? So then how does that kind of play into be here and this new model of like working and learning and living.


Brooke Lawler

Yeah, so we won't have the living portion I know I had much of that before but we'll have um, the working and learning so you think of wework meets Ymca but outdoors very open air. So we're we're looking to um, find like a land sponsor and we don't really want to buy land.



Okay, yeah.



Um, and.


Brooke Lawler

Then we'll set up open airir. Ah co-working spaces and adjacent to that very much nature forest school services and I hesitate to use the word school because I really am not responsible for anyone's education like our program isn't I Definitely not.



Um, significant.


Brooke Lawler

But Enrichment services. What I've found in um, specifically specifically where I live specifically where I live. Um,, there's a lot of Entrepreneurs. There's a lot of independent workers remote workers in this area and there's a lot more people coming to what I like to call alternative Education. It's like. The term homeschooling doesn't even cut it anymore. Some people are on Iep. Some people are doing hybrid programs. Some people are doing home education but it doesn't look like the way it used to look.. It's not this like perfect stay at home mom that sets up a classroom at her dining room table like it's a lot of pods and dropoffs and. If. There's so much. It's so different now and either you're working from home and doing all this stuff in your home and you're living in it really hard like those walls are screaming for you to get out or your.








Brooke Lawler

Driving here you know, go into an office. Your husband's going to an office you dropping a kid off here. You're dropping there that those are the 2 worlds I see and there neither are very Sustainable. It's either. You're overly busy and overly scheduled or you're completely taxed inside your home and so we really wanted to create a. Base where people could go to still be an adult and like use you know, have your deep productive flow. Um, while you put your kid an enrichment service and we're gonna focus more on nature-based services and the arts for now as far academic.











Brooke Lawler

Stuff that we we won't touch that for a while people can academically do what they want for their kid whether it's you know, traditional school and they come after or it's homeschooling and they do it on their own. Um, but really just.





Brooke Lawler

Supplementing and filling in the gaps where people need a little bit of help but they still want to be together as a family a little more on the same on the same soil just and then we're we're bringing in lunch. We're bringing in a really nutritious lunch in the middle of the day.



Um, yeah.


Brooke Lawler

Actually just got um a great partner. They're called school of lunch they will be doing the lunches they use um, whole foods nutrition and very ancestral type eating and that's going to be the sponsor for our um, our kitchen like that. That's going to be the food that the that the people of all ages will come together and eat this meal and think about just lunch if that's all we did for people that had None to None s and their kids were off in programs all day if if they got to see their kids at noon for a really healthy meal. Well.



Ah, here.


Brooke Lawler

That would do a lot for the brains for the productivity for the cementing more of your family culture. So we're starting there with lunch.



Um, yeah, amazing, amazing and it and it's forcing working people to take that break and be outside and connect with each other like that.


Brooke Lawler




Literally is is a dream dream like it's just when you can let your guard down because I mean you know a middle of the day office lunch is like I'm going to grab this. We'll sit in the kitchen together. We'll talk to a couple of people but like.


Brooke Lawler




We're going to revert back to talking about work like this you cannot do that You were actually in that break and being together.


Brooke Lawler

Right? Yeah, and hopefully you don't have a whole bunch of co-workers in this situation. Independent independent worker like for you getting come there and you can get some of your administrative stuff done and your your children could be off.



Um, you yeah yeah.


Brooke Lawler

Having um, some workshop or some lesson depending on what was a fit for what their needs are and you would be able to know they're near but not be with them' say together. But apart it's so that that's the vision. It is.



Um, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's amazing. Are.


Brooke Lawler

It's going to happen. It has to happen So many people need it. We need it. It's just just always a matter of exactly when so we always say these things are inevitable but um, traction and capital and all of that will just make things go faster.



Yeah, but I still think Consumer Behavior have just has shifted so much in your favor for this like people still aren't back in offices and many who are still kind of afraid to be there. You know like.


Brooke Lawler

Or slower.


Brooke Lawler




They want their own space. They want fresh air. They don't want too many people around and frankly, they're sick of the office culture like they haven't had to do it for a couple of years and it's exhausting.


Brooke Lawler

Yeah, yes, it's so true like we have so much The timing is really good and I I see it as like a bridge from a very divisive time. It's like it brings in so many different. Hopefully it serves a lot of different people and it doesn't look like.








Brooke Lawler

You know one type? Um, but yeah I do think it it will meet a need for many that and whether you're just the person that needs a place to go work and you want to see some humans or you're you're like you're all in and your kids are gonna be there too and.



Yeah. And.


Brooke Lawler

You're going to be there a full day every day of the week it's it's um customizable in that way.



Yeah, yeah, the interesting thing is like when we saw each other every day I was in the rat race of like la preschools and honestly it was so stupid. You know everyone was like trying to sell you on something and paying a fortune for these tuitions and you. To sell yourself as a family and and it just was too much and and my husband hated it. He hated hated hate it. He was like this is not us but I was like this is the only option this is it and we've come so full circle of like all that matters is. Play and like literally come home a mess destroy your clothes come home with paint everywhere. You got purple hair in your paint. We can't get out for a week I don't care. Um and the summer we were trying to send ls to an.


Brooke Lawler

Um, would that.



Like an adventure camp and ater camp it just like logistically couldn't work because it was all the way out in Ogora Hills and it was like all day and like no one could pick him up from there so we were so bummed but like every day. The whole summer was packed I was like can I sign up and go here because it was just like all these different activities outside that like at the end of the day he would come home filthy and exhausted and like that's all that that matters. Um, and so I think just like.


Brooke Lawler

I had.



You know, sort of stepping away from what school is to what children actually need developmentally and socially and emotionally to so smart too because I don't think the traditional view of school is going to be around here.


Brooke Lawler

Um, yeah.



For too long I think people will have a major shift.


Brooke Lawler

Yeahp I Really am excited to see like I always wanted remote working to be the thing gears ago and it was like I felt like I was the only one taking that working from home and to many people as I'm sure judgment and then. It happened you know of course under circumstances. We didn't want but like it happened that was a silver lining of everything and then like school. It's like you if you look at the future of work. The future of education always follows it. It's It's a little and and right now they're a little bit um behind.








Brooke Lawler

So That was our really big decision when it came to like Education. It's like well fin would have been going into Kindergarten like in 2020 and that wasn't what I wanted for his kindergarten experience. So um. But anyways, but we really looked at like okay we we stepped away from Corporate World. We stepped away from being Butts and Seats. So It felt inconsistent and incongruent to then say that then we want you to go do that when we saw education a little bit behind in that. Not to say that there aren't amazing Schools amazing teachers.



You know.


Brooke Lawler

The hugest thing for me was the length of the day and the rigor and the homework and it's like oh my gosh. It's it's like I'm not going to see my kid for 30 hours a week and I just didn't feel comfortable with that at this point in time and so I just.






A. You know.


Brooke Lawler

Just like Okay, how do we foster Entrepreneurialism How do we have more time flexibility. What if we are able to work totally remotely and we want to go be in another state or another country. What are we gonna do about our kids so just setting the the foundation for that for them.





Brooke Lawler

Early on was really a huge attractive attribute in homeschooling. So we always we like to say that B here is is embracing the future of work and the future of education and intentionally by design by putting the kids and the adults on the same soil.





Brooke Lawler

It's important. It's not just because it's convenient and saves us drive time your children need to see you inspired and alive and loving what you do right? They're only seeing you in the home like ripping out your hair and like complaining about laundry that doesn't look.





Brooke Lawler

They don't want to do that when they're older right? they they see but that they see their mom coming out of a meeting or off a call with a spark in her eyes and they they're meeting for lunch or but their father um and then you similar you see your kid running running in from a session looking alive like.








Brooke Lawler

Like it's just an energy thing. It's ah what do they call that in Silicon Valley the adjacent possible back when all all the startups were starting and they were near each other and they were vibing off each other and it's like they're just sharpening each other I think of that for the the energy and the vibe I want to be here I want.



Um, and then.



Um, and.


Brooke Lawler

Both the children and the adults to just pull inspiration from each other. So.



Yeah I think it's so powerful of you know, being that. Good example to not only your kids but the other kids in the community of like you know loving what you do feeling inspired by what you do? my. My sister-in law is a top oncologist and granted it doesn't it's not a career that allows her to be home as much but she would always say when her kids were young like they'll understand someday they'll understand why I do this Um, and now our kids are 15 and. My niece was just in town over the weekend and she's so proud of her mom because she gets it now. She's like my mom is out there saving lives and she does it for others. It's not for herself. It's not for glory. It is because she's so good and she loves loves loves what she does and.


Brooke Lawler



Brooke Lawler

And her.



She is just so proud of her mom you know and it's like to be able to create a space where um, where kids can see that every day on all the adults around them and that's just so special. It's so so so special.


Brooke Lawler

Yeah, it's it's important because not everybody is going to be able to or be called to pursue entrepreneurial jobs that like we're talking about here that are oh I have an online business or I'm in real estate or I can work wherever like. Quite frankly, obviously need oncologists and we need doctors and we need people that are are going to go out of the home and and their kids are going to go Where's mommy and daddy but we need those people for society to function and so your story just there was like um.





Brooke Lawler

Just made me like it humbled me because we were in the er for Matt's thing you know his throat thing the other day and you can edit this out if you want it's weird, but it's like I was sitting around looking at all of the medical professionals going. These people could never enjoy. Be here. They could never come to a co-working space and put their kid in a program but we need them so I'm really grateful. They're here and and so yeah, that just was ah a sobering realization like we can sit here. It's a it's a privilege is what I'm saying to be able to choose to go I'm gonna go.



You hit.





Brooke Lawler

Make money in a different way and I'm going to go educate my kids in a different way. That's a huge privilege.



Right? But they could be maybe part of the audience of you know, hearing about this experience for kids and as the the enrichment program grows for kids. Maybe it's a spat for them so they could still be a part of it. I'm trying to span your audience too soon here.


Brooke Lawler

Well no, you know and you know what? if we're just going to spitball in like Id because it's always fun to do that. We actually have a doctor on our um board of advisors. She's a doctor of physical therapy but she has a bunch of other credit accreditations too. And um.





Brooke Lawler

We've talked about this about growing the I guess the the wellness side more where a lot of parents have to go to different appointments for their kids and eventually could there be a health hut on site where you're a practitioner all different kinds just like any other gig worker.








Brooke Lawler

This is your space. You don't maybe go need to you don't need a hot desk with wi-fi but maybe you have access to um, a room that's set up with all the medical things you need and you're just renting hours there. Um and could that really help a parent that needs to you know, get their kid in for a physical or.






Oh move.


Brooke Lawler

A lot of kids with special needs need special um, physical therapies. Um, and so we we talked a lot about that because I have 3 other friends that have come to me and said my kid with special needs would do so well here are you gonna have anything like that and it's like my mind's not there. But I'm like well you. Most likely should because those are the children that there's nothing wrong with them. They learn and they exist in a different way and they're gifted but a lot of them need to run free and some of them need to need to be loud and they just don't fit in the box and see.



Um, yeah.



Um, yeah. Yeah, and and I learned this from a friend of mine. Um, and her her kiddo is is older and he he actually thrives like he goes to like a recreational school as a teen because.


Brooke Lawler




Being outside is very calming for him and and and what he's got going on. But um, it's just yeah, it's so much of what's going on in schools. Especially today, especially with budget cuts and condensing classrooms and and also making. Think a kindergarten classroom in our local kindergarten is 27 kids which is crazy. Um, and one teacher. Ah, you know like yeah like how do how do you expect a kindergartner to thrive in in an environment like that. So you know.


Brooke Lawler

Oh yeah, oh Portrait well.



I Think the conversation is starting to shift like you're saying it is behind but people are looking for alternate options of like how do we find community and educate and education. How do we find community in this new world of work.


Brooke Lawler

Yeah, right? Yeah, just don't go it alone like like how do we be separate but together even as how do we work and not feel isolated. How do how do we provide a private education for our kids that doesn't.



And like what is our new world order.


Brooke Lawler

Cost an arm and a leg like a 4 year university but then doesn't leave them also isolated. It's really you back to the community word that you brought up. It's true. That's really what sits behind a lot of it is bringing a village together to support one another um because it just doesn't really. Exist I mean it I mean you can make your own. You can definitely go call in the help but there aren't a whole lot of structures and systems that I see.



Yeah, yeah, it's not it's dependent on who is available not who is here for you. You know and I say that being someone who like lives here without any family here and it's like it's a whole different ball game than than friends who.


Brooke Lawler

Her her.



Families are here and you can call in or you know you live somewhere where you know your neighbors and you're like I need you for an hour. Ah you know.


Brooke Lawler

Yeah, and you guys you guys have um like a good network of support like you got you have some nannies that you like.



We do we do and they're amazing. But you know we also respect boundaries of like we may need help all day on a Saturday but we're not you already worked all week you know we give you your life and your space and and all that and. My mom could only fly in so much. Um, but yeah I mean I think it's it's still different and it's we had the friends who didn't have kids who could help for a while and now everyone seems to have you know their kid and they're young and like. They are living their own lives and figuring it out their own. So I think that's that's the tough part about you know Aaron I've always talked about like building community and how do we do that and it it was always it seemed like it was always like oh when we get to school age. That's when we'll find our people like that's it but that took some.


Brooke Lawler



Brooke Lawler




You know, shifts in direction for school and didn't find our people and then plus the pandemic like no one was out there being like hey how were you and I was I was the mom who wasn't able to do pick up and drop off like no one knew who my mom was ah so.


Brooke Lawler

Um, right.


Brooke Lawler

Um, yeah, right? Yeah yeah, well it's coming. You're gonna find a you guys can come to be here. Um like it's.



And that's like a really crappy feeling. Yeah, but. Like I yeah.


Brooke Lawler

It's when you said the schools like oh when we have a school or when it made me think about that like a lot of the times we mistake like a neighborhood or a school or some people go to church like as community and but but they're just walls. You know they're just. Buildings with people. Sometimes that's not what community is community is really an intentional choice to be like Okay, we're going to come together around these shared values and we're covering each other um in these ways and and yeah, just to assume that you can move into a neighborhood you love or you can find a school you love.





Brooke Lawler

Or some kind of spiritual place of worship and that you're automatically just gonna have a community is I think you know a little bit of the lie and have to intentionally craft this stuff just like we have to intentionally design the life that we want.



A hip. Yep. Um, it doesn't it doesn't and then I think I realized that you know, kind of coming out of the pandemics. We moved to the valley like literally March Twenty Twenty um and so we we uprooted our whole lives and moved here.


Brooke Lawler

It just doesn't happen.


Brooke Lawler

Um, suffer.



And then it was like oh this when this next thing happens when this next thing happens like we'll build it and then it was like no this is not happening So I when I realized that I can't like emphazzize enough like how extroverted I've had to make myself be to like mean like to. Familys walking in the neighborhood and introducing myself and here's what's your phone number and like let's get together and you know like really taking action to make that happen because like we were talking about before like if you're not taking action to to build or grow. What's around you and what you want to be around you then like.


Brooke Lawler

Um, yeah, the taking the number as an adult. It's like ah it's like a dating fear. Even though that's how you get to know someone and ask for their number.



Nothing going to happen.





Brooke Lawler

Like we were camping last last week and Matt met a couple dudes who really liked the neighboring campsites and were're packing up to leave. He's like I I should have got their numbers. You know, but like he could see he was nervous and he was like just go go with their numbers so he walked over there and as cute I heard him like hey can I ah. Can I get your numbers and then they were like yeah well like call us up when you're in the central coast it was they made Cert Eights and all that and it was so so cute honey I'm still on this call I got a kid here you know watching writer like see she watch. Okay who i. All right I'll be out in a few minutes okay and I'll saw that will you close the door and I'll come out and help you in a few minutes. Yeah, okay, find dad honey I'll give it a few seconds so you can delete that out.



Yeah now. Um, well I just have a couple of questions just at the end more on you of like how like you have been on a journey the past three years like how do you take that time. For yourself like I know it's so hard to do that. But like what are your moments of peace.


Brooke Lawler

Yes, Okay so I am is a few different things. This is a really simple one that I want to provide as a tip to all moms that I do and there's many things I do I I do some yoga I get away for girls nights like I'm pretty good about that stuff but drink.





Brooke Lawler

Your hot year I say this again. Okay so here's the thing that I do to just have a moment for myself and it's not a lot of time and everyone can do it drink your coffee hot and alone somewhere in the morning like just do that for yourself. Remember before coming a mom hearing women say things like oh I've reheated my coffee 3 times or I found it cold and I might like why why it's not that like set one boundary for yourself and be almost a bitch about it. Pardon my french but it's like when my kids. Come up to me in the morning and my coffee is warm and they're ask me to get up and get water this or that I'm like my I'm drinking my coffee I go sit out in the bench on the front patio and like I'm drinking my coffee right now I'll be with you when I'm done and like I'll have my journal out or sometimes I'm just staring I'm like I drink mom drinks her coffee hot.





Brooke Lawler

And that's my rule so that's kind of how I start my day is like that's that's a hard fast rule in my house and then you know then sometimes you need a I need a minute.



Yeah, that's awesome.


Brooke Lawler

In the middle of the day. It's like you don't there's not just None thing. It's not a girl's trip. It's like you need 3 things a day you need like something in the morning and then it's like oh my gosh take the kids away for even 30 minutes and then it's something at night. Sometimes it's like okay I'm gonna I'm gonna go sneak off. Because one of my friends is free and we're gonna have a glass of wine. So I don't do as much as I should so that's why I'm sharing that but I am fortunate that I have a business right now that does give me a social outlet. So if I had a tasting I feel I'm like oh I got a wine tasting tonight.





Brooke Lawler

Mommy's gotta work and I still feel like I'm getting girlfriend time even though I'm I'm working So that's how I take care of me in small ways.



Good good. You have it and I'm still trying to get to the point where I can like sneak away and be like girls stay I gotta just I just need to learn by example for you like this is this is happening going out I'm going to do this? Um, because. Kids will sleep and it's just nice to kind of have that break where you're like just no, one's crawling on you? Yes, yeah.


Brooke Lawler

Yeah, and I you they're young your babies are young. So sometimes it's just really the guilt of getting away and feeling like everything is going to be okay is makes it hard to relax but it it will pass. They will grow up.



Yeah, totally. But yes, no 2 but not too fast. Um, and my last question my last question I asked everybody. It's a random one. But if you had a button. Just would sit by you all the time and you pressed it and it could do None thing for you. What would it do.


Brooke Lawler

Yeah, it would be like a ah a calm button and it would either I guess this isn't 1 thing but I love this question. It's like so many ideas of what this button could do. But I think sometimes we just need a calm reset in the house.





Brooke Lawler

Like it's whether it's the motions like everybody's crazy intenses or if I could have it be it like it smart and it decides a house reset physically like the house is chaotic so ah from Chaos to Calm is it the humans or is it the like environment that needs a little bit of a reset. That's the part I'd hit.






Um, right.


Brooke Lawler

Not that it's always cleaning or that it's all whatever it's just like let's let's put some calm in this house and get some of the crazy out. That's what I'd have it. Do.



I like that I like the reset button. Do you know what? your button would look like.


Brooke Lawler

I I saw it as a big red button because of like the old easy button when you said that but you know if I were to design it I'd probably make it like a blue green color that would look like a piece art on the wall and I can hit it.



Yeah, yeah, I'm just gonna blend him and Beaver and yes I like that I'm I um I'm going to try to invent that button for later pre. Um, awesome. Well thank you so much for being on the show i.


Brooke Lawler



Brooke Lawler

Um, yeah, yeah.


Brooke Lawler

Um, right now.



Feel like we keep talking and talking and maybe it's a wine. Um but and it's so good to see your face too I missed you? okay.


Brooke Lawler

Yeah I know let's do it again. I Want to ask you more questions for my podcast I'm not actually doing a podcast but I am doing a newsletter that has audio in it so he do a.



Oh yes.


Brooke Lawler

Another interview that we can It can take from that and use it for that and you can use it for what you need.



Awesome! And then one last thing speaking of newsletter where can people sign up for the newsletter and where else can people find you online.


Brooke Lawler

Yes, so I have um, my wine page is at wine for good with underscores wine underscore 4 underscore good on Instagram and then um, I'm on substack the the substack page is be here. And then the website is Http://wwdotbhere.re so one's wine. One's co-working space. They're all going to be None big thing very soon.



Yeah, and and I have to say that Aaron reads the newsletters when they come out and he's always like sha come here. This is so well written this is so well written comment every time. So um, okay.


Brooke Lawler

Um, are good thing. It's kind are in Shannon but.



Awesome! Thank you Brooke! Thank you for your time and I talk later bye.



See what I told you an amazing amazing conversation with brooke we learned so much about community and creating yourself finding it for yourself and how important it is for your day to day wellbeing and your long term wellness. Feel like I could have asked brooke so many more questions and you guys probably could too because she's just so knowledgeable in so many different areas and she's someone who knows herself and knows what's really important for her and her family and what's going on with her life. And I think we get all learned some really deep lessons from that. So just to reiterate where brook can be found ah website be http://here.rebehere.resameinstagram handle at be here underscore re and if you're interested in attending any of Brooke's clean crafted wine parties raising my hand here. Follow her at wine underscore for underscore, good.


Celebrating with Meaning


All In For Simplicity