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A Side of Syrup Podcast - EP019: Lessons in Elevated Living with Meghan Donovan
Podcast, Travel, Wellness Shannon Pfeffer Podcast, Travel, Wellness Shannon Pfeffer

A Side of Syrup Podcast - EP019: Lessons in Elevated Living with Meghan Donovan

Rule #1: Be Kind To Everyone

If I had to live out anyone’s personal and professional playbook, it would be Meghan Donovan’s. She believes in herself, her joy, and making the most memorable life possible, that it’s no wonder she’s living the life most of us dream of. Which includes living in France this entire month!

Meghan is kind above all else. She’s spent years making the hard work seem easy and letting us into her world one croissant at a time. Her grit and determination have gotten her to actually be living her dreams. But it’s her kindness that keeps us all rooting for her.

In this episode Meghan shares how she built her brand and businesses. Meghan also dives into her wellness routine — from a mutual favorite product to her tips on sunscreen after her skin cancer diagnosis.

This episode is a real treat (in more ways than one!) Meghan is a delight to know, learn from, and follow on all socials.

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A Side of Syrup Podcast - EP018: How to Stay Focused When You Have Too Much on Your Plate with Shannon Pfeffer
Coaching, Health, Podcast Shannon Pfeffer Coaching, Health, Podcast Shannon Pfeffer

A Side of Syrup Podcast - EP018: How to Stay Focused When You Have Too Much on Your Plate with Shannon Pfeffer

How to get vitamins that work.

As we age vitamins are our insurance policy. The thing that prevents very preventable things, keeps our immune system boosted, and when done correctly, make you feel better.

In addition to living a life that balances eating well, movement, stress management, and sleep - I’ve always taken vitamins. Not the same ones for every season of life. But vitamins have been my mainstay.

And while the vitamins I take today don’t exactly taste like the Flintsones, they are the key to keeping that childlike spirit and energy possible. In this episode we'll dive into how to shop for high quality vitamins that work and strategies to remember to take your daily vitamins.

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A Side of Syrup Podcast - EP017: How to Stay Focused When You Have Too Much on Your Plate with Shannon Pfeffer
Coaching, How-to, Podcast Shannon Pfeffer Coaching, How-to, Podcast Shannon Pfeffer

A Side of Syrup Podcast - EP017: How to Stay Focused When You Have Too Much on Your Plate with Shannon Pfeffer

Stay focused. Avoid overwhelm. Here’s how!

Are you coming off of a never-ending rollercoaster? And you’re already VERY busy January turned into your busiest one on record? Know that I totally get it and I’m here right alongside you. In this episode, we'll discuss the four things that will help you stay focused when you’ve got too much on your plate.

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A Side of Syrup Podcast - EP016: Finding Room for Daily Gratitude with Sabena Suri
Health, Podcast, Wellness Shannon Pfeffer Health, Podcast, Wellness Shannon Pfeffer

A Side of Syrup Podcast - EP016: Finding Room for Daily Gratitude with Sabena Suri

Hitting the pause button to move forward

In today's episode strategist, entrepreneur, and leader to the core Sabena Suri explains not only her career path and how everything's sort of built on another based on her big brain and sort of intuition of where she wanted to go. Wellness-wise, she also talks about the importance of pausing taking a moment sitting still and figuring things out an important lesson for all of us at any stage of life or career or parenthood. Sabena also has really awesome strategies of small ways she incorporates wellness into her life. It's not overwhelming and the habits all built upon each other. I think you'll really find her quick actionable tips to be super smart and easy to implement - which is the way wellness should be. 

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A Side of Syrup Podcast EP015: How to Get Time Back in Your Life Starting With Your Calendar with Shannon Pfeffer
How-to, Podcast, Wellness Shannon Pfeffer How-to, Podcast, Wellness Shannon Pfeffer

A Side of Syrup Podcast EP015: How to Get Time Back in Your Life Starting With Your Calendar with Shannon Pfeffer

You can be a time genius just by organizing your calendar.

At the start of the year we often talk about getting organized in the physical sense - closets, pantry's, kids toys, etc. I'd like to offer up a new way to get organized this year, a way that will not only give you clarity, but give you time back in your life. You'll be a time genius after following the five easy steps outlined by Shannon Pfeffer in this episode.

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A Side of Syrup Podcast - Season 2! - EP014: Finding Energy & Wellness Wherever Life Takes You with Angie Aldape
Health, Podcast, Wellness Shannon Pfeffer Health, Podcast, Wellness Shannon Pfeffer

A Side of Syrup Podcast - Season 2! - EP014: Finding Energy & Wellness Wherever Life Takes You with Angie Aldape

Introducing our first episode of Season 2

My first job in LA led me to meet Angie. She was herself right from the get go: organized, responsible, and with a beaming smile of sunshine. She immediately put me in her tight circle of friends and in 15 years, hasn’t let me go. For that, I’m incredibly thankful.

While we have many shared interests - traveling, good food & wine, fitness - we’ve each found ways to incorporate wellness into our lives in a way that works just for us, at whatever stage of season of life we’re in.

In this episode, Angie, a Microsoft executive, dives into what works for her and how she keeps healthy and avoids burnout. Angie also has great tips for what to pack while traveling (and well, maybe have an awkward run-in or two with TSA) and how to sleep well.

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Interesting Things on the Internet: Edition 24
Coaching, Health, Interesting Things, Wellness Shannon Pfeffer Coaching, Health, Interesting Things, Wellness Shannon Pfeffer

Interesting Things on the Internet: Edition 24

One of my all time favorite projects is back. For a few years (and many of you are familiar and excited about this) I ran a weekly newsletter about cool things in culture that I saw online. A curation of things that are interesting and well, talking points for a conversation - or even a date. I’ve had so many requests to bring this back. So here it is, picking up right where we left off with this week’s list.

The holidays are here and this year I’m HERE for it. Looks like others are too.

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