A Side of Syrup Podcast - EP018: How to Stay Focused When You Have Too Much on Your Plate with Shannon Pfeffer

How to get vitamins that work.

As we age vitamins are our insurance policy. The thing that prevents very preventable things, keeps our immune system boosted, and when done correctly, make you feel better.

In addition to living a life that balances eating well, movement, stress management, and sleep - I’ve always taken vitamins. Not the same ones for every season of life. But vitamins have been my mainstay.

And while the vitamins I take today don’t exactly taste like the Flintsones, they are the key to keeping that childlike spirit and energy possible. In this episode we'll dive into how to shop for high quality vitamins that work and strategies to remember to take your daily vitamins.

If you’re to amp up your vitamin game with vitamins that work, I’m releasing my Energy Enhancing Vitamin Protocol TODAY. It’s full of products I’ve tried and tested (and am currently using!) to maximize energy and long-term health. Get your protocol, easy-to-listen to podcast, and downloadable PDF and get started today!



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Can do you ever look in your medicine cabinet and see vitamin after vitamin collecting dust maybe reaching that expiration date maybe like looking at it being reminded of a time where you were like inspired. You're like I'm going to get this I'm going to take it every day. And then it just sits there. Maybe it didn't taste good. Maybe it wasn't really what you wanted. Maybe you actually bought the wrong thing and you're like oh whatever I'll return it someday and we all know that doesn't happen. Um, but I'm really here today to teach you how to navigate the supplement aisle. To eliminate any overwhelm and also like have those bottles stop collecting dust and like really have a system to take them every day. So ah before we dive into today's episode I did want to talk about 1 thing. Ah. If you have been wanting to make health changes you promised yourself, you would do in January but now it is already the next month. It's February and you're realizing like you need more accountability to make any major things happen like or maybe you do it for like a couple days. But. You're having trouble maintaining it long term and making it a lifestyle if you're interested my group coaching program has just a few spots left. It is exhausted to energized. We really go through all the lifestyle changes from food to sleep to mindset to movement.

Everything that you need to really make that change and to make it stick. The last thing I want are 2 things 1 for you to be my client forever and 2 to give you a plan where you can't maintain you know I want everything I teach to be as easy as brushing teeth. So. It is in my link bio and I'll put it here in the show notes and it's also in my um Instagram you'll see it there today as well. A couple days left of my opening my waitlists been I've been closed for a while and now it's back open. Um, for this group specifically. So if you're interested in group coaching a few days left to apply the link is is right there on socials and in those show notes so would love to see you there. Okay all right? So back to supplements. What you're here for today. 1 of my favorite childhood memories and one that I hope by revealing does not get me in trouble but 1 of my favorite childhood memories is taking vitamins with my best friend we lived in the same neighborhood would just. Go to each other's like back doors and just open them. Um and come right in. We just were just at each other's places all the time and our families were each other's families and it was you know, just amazing thing.

So I would see her for breakfast before school or on the weekends and vice versa. My parents would lay out my flintstone vitamins ask me to take them I would take them she would say she would take hers her brother would take his but then she would when her parents weren't looking. Take those flintstone vitamins and throw them in the laundry room right? behind the washer and dryer I Think at one point maybe her parents discovered a couple floating around and she blamed it on her brother as you do when you're a young kid. Um, but.

At this point I can only imagine how many of hundreds of melted vitamins are behind that washer and dryer at the time or maybe they still are her parents still live in that house. Um, how many hundreds of vitamins are permanently melted into that wall.

Ah, as a kid vitamins were something that you were asked to take there wasn't really a need for them. Presumably. You're all, you're healthy Energy. You're running around you know and maybe you were even like me like even as you got older, you still took those vitamins. But it was really to make sure you were getting the nutrients. So Let's face it as a high schooler or a college-age kid the diet just is not that Great. So as we age Vitamins are especially important because there are our insurance policy. They're the thing that prevents. Very preventable things or lessons of chances or lessens the severity of things like chronic diseases and they especially in the times and if you are a parent you have been through it like myself the past ah couple years. But really this year has been really really. Not great for anyone's immunity but Vitamins also help keep our Immune system boosted giving us what we need and when and when done correctly when you're following the right vitamin protocol they make you feel Better. You get your energy you feel less tired. You feel more focused. And this is just from vitamins not from medication just from Vitamins. So in addition to living a life that balances eating well and movement and stress management and sleep I'm always taking vitamins. You know, maybe it was ingringing from my childhood that this is something that you do, but.

It's always been a way to make me feel better I haven't taken the same vitamins every season of life I've had many seasons of life at this point. Um, but vitamins in general and on daily basis have been my mainstay and while the vitamins that I take. Today. Don't exactly taste like the flintstones vitamins of the past they're keeping that childlike spirit and energy possible. So 1 thing that people always kind of get into trouble with vitamins is they might get a vitamin routine and they have all the the vitamins out but they. Just like don't even know what to do so I'm gonna show you my secret. My little old baby hack here here on video you're watching the video here you can see usually Mondays I fill this up. It's my old lady pill case. Where I've got each day of the week labeled and the morning and the the evening vitamins I got my husband on this and I swear it's a lifesaver and we've even taken it. Each. Yes, we each have one of these ourselves or individual ones. So we take different supplements but we have taken these on our honeymoon. Taken up on it. Ah, many international trips taken them to the hospital when you had babies all that just take it take a hair tie or rubb band and just ah, steel bands keeping a plastic bag in case, you know things get shaken out. But if you have a pill case.

Ah, really annoying one like that you can put it in your bathroom. Although I don't really recommend keeping it in there for too long because the difference in climate humidity and temperatures can really impact the vitamins themselves but you can have it in your bathroom you can have it on your nightstand you can have it right in your closet. Um, at your desk you know wherever you're going to see it all the time and just be reminded and not forget because let's say you take this case, you're like I'm going to fill it up and then put it in a drawer. No this is a big ugly vitamin case for a reason. Um. Make sure you have a system so you have your vitamins already measured out already planned out. So all you have to do is take them and that eliminates so many barriers to not taking them just planning it out in advance making sure it's there. Can even set a reminder in your phone if you want to um, take them the same time day and night like 7 and 7 and just make it a commitment to do that and once you have this vitamin system in place once so you see them all the time you get in this rhythm of taking them that is my old lady hack for you guys today. Ah, but when you were actually looking for the vitamins themselves I want to talk to you a little bit about that the high quality of the vitamins. The ingredients. Um, you know, reading the labels all of that stuff because I think that's what often happens when we get excited and when you shop for something.

Um, and we just go to 1 vitamin store and we get them all you kind of have a cart full of things but you don't know how to use it or what's in them so many of you buy your vitamins from Amazon or a drugstore and and. Not all those are bad but I do want you to do a water test. Okay and this is super simple. You just take a glass of water and and clear glass and put one vita in it. Let's say it's a multivitamin if that does not dissolve quickly like you can let us sit overnight. But if it doesn't dissolve in a couple of hours it's not going to dissolve in your body. So basically how much it dissolves in the water is about the amount that is going to go into your body and if you've got like a whole pill sitting there after like 6 hours like the vitamin is not doing its job. Like don't buy that vitamin you know, same goes for all sorts of supplements. You want the supplements to be able to break open in the water you want all the liquid to be able to to come out if it's an oil and you know I want you to have supplements that work I don't want you to spend money on supplements that. You're supposed to take that don't really work so anything that I would recommend had been tried and true tested tested on myself. Um, tested on friends family test on clients. You know it's it's all proven. So I will say that.

Oftentimes things you buy at a drugstore are not the greatest quality I do recommend specialty stores or a few select online providers for vitamins because another part is reading the labels. So let's say you're buying fish oils. And you are looking at the label and it's like oh or added like let's say this is my favorite multivitamins with fish oil at it or with omega three s or with omega, they'll just say and you look on the back and. It's flax oil or flaxeed oil. That's an inflammatory oil that is also not the omega 3 s you want to be consuming in your body every single day having flax seeds in a smoothie is 1 thing but having those oils has an omega three that does not queltamation that actually raises it up in the body. So look at the the claims. The label is making and then look at the ingredient. So if it says with vitamin d added okay is a vitamin d plus k for better absorption and then what's that amount because you don't want too much vitamin k in your system. Won't geek out here but um, added with Adam Vitamin B. okay what type of vitamin b is it the vitamin b you need or is it a vitamin b that's going to solve the need of someone else. You know each once each person's supplement. Routine should be.

You know personalize to what they need there are yes there are general things that we should all be taking but you got to know what works best for you too. So you know, look at what is um on the label and look at the ingredients. Please please please and look at the dosage of the ingredients. Vitamin A and Vitamin K are often included in multi vitamins but make sure there's not a huge high dose especially if you're a woman who's looking to have a baby a lot of vitamin a and a lot of them. Vitamin K aren't aren't that great for you So apologize for my running nose here. It is. Freezing upstairs Anyway, So okay, also know what you're taking you might have a friend say oh my gosh I taken Magnesium It works wonders I'm sleeping so good. Cool. There are different types of magnesium and all do different things for your body so find out what type of very specifically like brand and inform of Magnesium. Your friend is taking help with sleep because it's probably the right magnesium to help with Sleep. You may have heard that like taking. Magnesium for sleep and relaxation is great and you grab a bottle that you know you didn't ask your friend specificallyly What? what she got so you grab a bottle and it says magnesium and you take it home and you're like oh my gosh. What is this doing to my body and you're panicking and all you're doing is running to the bathroom.

And you're not sleeping because you're just going to the bathroom. Um, you're so ah, just a note there is magnesium to relieve constipation and there's magnesium to help you sleep and those are the 2 most common magnesiums sold on store shelves. And it's super easy to mix up because you see magnesium and big print and you're like yes, this is it. This is it. This is what my friend uses to sleep anyway, um, ah does you know, pay attention to the the varieties because like vitamin b magnesium is another one where there's just um. You know these are that I brought up the 2 the main ones the magnesium citrate which is the um, the pooping one don't take that unless you need it or magnesium glyate. Um, that's the relaxation and sleep one. Okay so we all make these mistakes. Um, I laugh because I've done it myself. Ah, but I am here to help you navigate supplement aisle and make it really easy to find what you want and find what works there are so many must have vitamins and supplements that I recommend to my clients and that I take myself but 2 of the very best we'll get into. Are fish oils and essential oils kind to fish oils is like my newro uno for for everyone across the board. This is one that every single person. Um, even my 5 year old son takes and it's so so good for you for so many ways.

We'll get into why so my story with fish oil is my grandfather had crohn's disease pretty significantly and after all his tests all his surgeries and all the treatments. He said that fish oil was the only thing to make a difference in his symptoms I remember that distinctly. And I remember that even though I was only in the eighth grade when you told me so ever since then I've made fish oil a part of my daily life like from that moment on I've taken it almost daily. And while he used it primarily to treat gi symptoms and inflammation which fish oil is great for by the way I used it to add a healthy fat into my diet and sort of replace something honestly I don't get enough. Yeah I'm not really a fish person. So it's it's given me. That sort of assurance and insurance that I'm getting this this oil and these healthy fats into my body fish oil fish oil has been amazing for my skin and hair and nails. Also it is the best. 1 ne-shot beauty product. Also I would recommend for people who want that glow in their skin. Um, it just it's better than any expensive beauty product like hundred dollar face cream $300 Lamare whatever you're into.

Whatever your beauty budget is if you add fish oil to the Mix. Your skin will plump up and glow and um, mean enough to wear makeup like the foundation man just be able to put on other stuff or if you're dude, you're just like have a more Glowy Plump Plump Face. Ah, So recommend it for that too. Um and something like always heals off when I don't take fish oil for a while. My brain gets a little foggy I'm a little more tired. It's a little harder to work out and. That's exactly what fish oil does it helps with your brain health. It helps your heart health and it helps with overall inflammation and truly it makes your brain sharper. It does so there are standout fish wheels and there are imposters. Of course there's marketing to promote benefits to the consumer. But put in crappy ingredients in the actual product. So like I mentioned before Inflammatory oils are often marketed in products that have added omega 3 s or added fish oil in particular kid's vitamins those gummy ones. So read the labels. Like just turn over the Package. Don't look at the marketing claim in the front turn it over look at the back and if it's the source is omega, three s look to see what they are if it's flax ah Flaxy or flax soil like don't buy the product especially don't give it to your kids a lot of times organic kids.

Vitamins do have the flax ones that are not organic. Don't don't know why. But that's what I've seen when I'm beginning vitamins from my own kids. So. Look for a mix of omega three s and omega six s in vitamins with fish oil added to them when looking for a fish oil on its own just look for fish oil. Omega, 3 s only look for epa and d a omega three s it'll probably say like other on the list too. That's fine. Note: this is expensive oftentimes. It's forty to eighty dollars a bottle a bottle that you're taking two pills a day from so this type of fish oil is made from actual fish. So the price is a lot more. And you're used to. But no, it's it's from well sourced fish giving you the exact correct oils. You need to work best in your body and your brain and your heart. So. It's really really, really, really great I cannot stress it enough. It's like the key to your overall well-being and how you look and most importantly, how you feel right now and for the long term so the next up are carrier oils and essential oils.

And I'm not here selling you into my essential oil plan or my marketing scheme for that I Promise I Yeah I don't I Only really get my oils from a couple of providers. Um I actually have like a really strong. Like a sniffer so like anything with any like roses which oftentimes oils essential oils have mixed in like I Just can't can't do it. So um, so anyway, no oil marketing scheme here I just I bring up essential oils because of their overall. Purpose in the wellness space and your own wellness and how you customize them what sense you like and use is really truly up to you So Why do I Even bring up essential oils when I'm talking about supplements and feeling good and looking good and um, having. Having your energy back and all of that is your skin is your largest organ and so what you put in it what you put on it matters it the lotion you use the perfume you use the cologne you wear. The scented deodorant. You may have it all impacts your body. So when you put on something that makes you feel good that makes you feel comfortable like this cozy sweater I've got on it feels good and it makes me feel good to wear it. So.

You don't believe me here. You think this is this you know sort of on the fringe science. It's not ah but what about a time when you got a massage or a facial or some sort of ah a treatment where the smell was so intoxicating and so good. You're transported to a completely different place and now every time you smell that smell you're transported back to that massage table or back to the country you are in or back to that moment in time sense can be super powerful in our overall. Well-being and there's easy ways to incorporate night and day to give you like a morning routine to give you an evening routine to sort of get your body used to feeling those feels those times a day and get your body prepared to do what you need it to do so. A couple of things that I recommend are getting a high quality ho hobo oil I really like ho hobo oil because it absorbs into the skin whereas many other carrier orioles like a coconut oil like fractuctioning a coconut oil or even like a olive oil like they're slick and I love the goop. But like really really slick and sticky where ho ho oil does like go right into your skin really easily and doesn't leave like a weird finish or like you're going to go text somebody or type something and you're like phone or computers like all wet and sticky now. So what? I really recommend are.

Um, pure 100 % essential oils. So 2 things here. Pure 100 % essential oils. Um for like very targeted things and then sort of blends when you're going to sleep. So. Essential oils that I really recommend during the day. Um, so there's 2 1 is 100% a citrus oil and that is meant to wake you up and help you focus so you can take kohobo oil put a couple of drops with citrus oil. Um. Moving your hand a little bit. Let it warm up and then just deeply breathe it in and just sit there a while like let the smell get into your system. Let it really help you focus on what is coming in the day. It's sort of like when you um.

There's like a lemoncented cleaner in a kitchen or candle you know and a me brightens up that room that the smell changes it and same thing of like having that citrus directly in your nose and you can um you can put it on your tepo so you can put it. Um. Anywhere like if you're working with your hands all day or you're going to be. You know, moving your hair back or you know wherever your hands are going to go. You can have that oil there as well. Um, if you are feeling really tired during the day or you're drained or like. That you know like computer the screen time headache sort of like behind your eyes. You can do the same thing with the hoho but oil and peppermint like 100 % pure peppermint oil. Don't use peppermo on its own. Please you have to use carrier oil because it's so strong it may burn. But yeah, again, put it. A couple drops in your hand with the carrier oil rub it together. Let it warm up breathe that in you could take that carrier oil and essential oil combo of peppermint and put it in your nose here and then kind of dab it under your eyes. It might be a little pungent at first make your eyes tear up. But. And will definitely help with um the headache behind your eyes and the screen time over tiredness and then at night there is a sleep blend that I recommend of doing the same thing. Um, you can smell it deeply breathe it in but you can also rub it into your body. So then that sleep oil.

On your pillow case your pajamas smell like it. You've rubbed it into your muscles after a long day rubbed into your hands. You know it's sort of like easing in that relaxation and the moment and then over time your body will get to be very used to those smells. And we'll react even more quickly like you have a headache and you're really tired. You've been on a hundred zooms in the day having that peppermint will be something your body will already know and when when you open that essential oil and start to pour it. You immediately get some relief. So. Ah, those are a couple I wanted to deep dive into because there are really quick things that anybody can do starting today and if you're curious about more of my tried into tried and true vitamin and supplement recommendations today I release my energy enhancing protocol. This is something that I work with my clients on to figure out. You know what do they need to really kickstart their energy um coming to be super depleted and really needed to like revive themselves so this entire protocol. Um I have tested it I've used it. Um. When I have been pregnant I have used it ah in moments like now where I am gearing for an incredibly busy season at work I've used when traveling am used and when so when sick um, you know I'm used it after holiday party season and after coming back from vacations and.

It's just something that um I've read all the labels I know exactly what's in those products I know exactly Um, you know any marketing claims tied to them. No actually no, there's none because I'm not recommending products like that. But um, you know these are ones that I have. Tried time and time again other brands but I keep going back to these same brands so included in my energy-enhancing protocol are is this comprehensive guide and I also have it in an easy to listen to podcast and a downloadable pdf. Additionally, the entire protocol is sold on my full script store and the benefit to shopping there is it's 10% off always for all of my clients and then there's no sales tax and full script runs specials all the time. So. There's probably no shipping either. So you're already. Way off way cheaper than getting these at your local health food store or even online somewhere else. So there's a link in my bio to get it at Shannon pfeff and on today's show notes this is syrup.com/newsfeed for the show. So I would love to. Get you on board and answer any other questions you have about supplements because like I mentioned as a kid I took them because I needed to but then I really taken them my whole life and just they are a key to overall wellness but a true key to getting your energy back.

Today. So thank you all for listening and joining me I am super excited about this topic. So there's a lot more vitamin content this week ah and I cannot wait to share so much more with you be well guys.


A Side of Syrup Podcast - EP019: Lessons in Elevated Living with Meghan Donovan


A Side of Syrup Podcast - EP017: How to Stay Focused When You Have Too Much on Your Plate with Shannon Pfeffer