Making a Morning Checklist

Not only are habits more likely to happen if you practice them regularly. They are more likely to stick if you write them down.

Case in point, writing this weekly post. :) It’s not like I don’t want to write it - I do. But other things get in the way or maybe I come up with a topic that’s not as inspiring as I’d hoped. That’s just one thing on a to-do list of many. One thing can make the whole list itself feel overwhelming.

Sometimes a micro-list of a few things that have to be done can serve as a reminder to slow down and actually enjoy the tasks and to pepper in some chances to unwind at all points of the day.

See the morning checklist below. Just a few positive and quick reminders of what needs to be done in the morning and what needs to be done in the morning for you to thrive.

Taking this format, what else would you include on your list?

morning wellness checklist


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