A Side of Syrup Podcast - EP 010: Ask Me Anything with Shannon Pfeffer of Syrup Coaching

Slide into my DMs and you’ll often see the same questions come up.

In this shortie episode, I give long (and long-winded) answers to the top ten questions I get asked often. From how tall I am to how I tackle my job without burning out, it’s all here. Answered candidly and openly. Plus, there are some of my favorite products and brands mentioned that I absolutely swear by & have stood the test of time.

If I missed a burning question you have during this “AMA” ask me anything episode, leave it in the comments and I’ll be sure to answer it on social media.



Connect with Shannon:

Website: thisissyrup.com

Instagram: @syrupcoaching

Facebook: www.facebook.com/syrupcoaching

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Syrup free resources: thisissyrup.com/resource-library

Full episode transcript:

Hi! My name is Shannon Pfeffer. I'm obsessed with understanding the how and the why behind feeling good and translating that knowledge into strategies that help you live better.

Each week we'll dive into conversations about food, fitness, stress, career, and family. We'll learn from each other, feel more connected, and we'll explore ways to design a life you love.

So what are you waiting for? Keep listening for tips, tricks, and fun facts about feeling good, looking good, and living better. And don't forget to bring a snack. This is the A Side of Syrup Podcast.



A few weeks ago I put up at a Ma and ask me anything on Instagram I got loads of questions. Super awesome. But admittedly I got too wrapped up at another project and didn't respond to. Anyone's questions whoops since many of the questions were ones that I get asked so often I said why not just put it into a podcast. So those answers can live on if anyone asks those questions I could refer them to this episode. You know. They're pretty much same questions with the same answers given we're all human things will change in time but a lot of these are pretty stay for the course. So I've got um tennis questions. We'll go through ah that have been asked actually the past couple years a lot so like let's dive into them. And let's talk about them. Okay, first question where do you live I live in Los Angeles I've lived here who I think it's sixteen years I mean's 1516 next year I was born in Detroit my parents moved a lot for my dad's job I went to high school and college in Indiana I lived in New York and Chicago for summers through college after college and I think I lived in Chicago four and half five years



And then got stuck in the snow in my suv in front of my apartment and said this is it I'm finding a way to move to the West Coast ah and I've been here ever since don't plan to go anywhere else. Okay. So my light just went out here for those watching the video got a very testy late situation. Um technology on a Monday here. Ah anyway, so question. 2.



You say you have over 15 experience. 15 years experience working but you look so young how old are you and now that the lighting is totally out from this video. Um I don't feel I look as young, but ah thank you. I am very flattered by that I have always made a huge effort to take care of my skin. That's one of the things that I started doing really really young cu seeing especially where I grew up in Indiana for part of my childhood and I'm definitely a victim of this too. Going to tanning beds I definitely spent many time at funtan and was like determined to be so tan at every high school dance not something I'd recommend if you're caring about your long term skin help. But. Um, but ever since I realized how bad it was to to actually like be in the sun I've I've really stepped back from that and taken lots of steps to take care of my skin. Ah the the actual question to this. Um, how old am I I just turned 40 which is crazy to say out loud but I did um okay and one of my sort of like key things is that I there okay lighting situation fixed I'm just gonna hold onto this plug. Okay.



Ah, one of my key anti-aging things is since I was in eighth grade I have been taking fish oil religiously pretty much every day except there have been periods where I have been pregnant and although it's really good for me I haven't taken it because it kind of the fish taste.



Although I have many recommendations on fish oils that are great for you. But my grandfather crohn's disease and so like out of all the treatments and all the medication everything he had. He had to take fish oil was the thing that helped him the most. So there's tons of benefits to it I can talk at length about that and. But taking those like oils for a long period of time really do plump up your skin and keep you fairly pretty like glowy and youthful and I also got a new face part of those. My fortieth birthday present to myself was getting myself 1 of those at-home microcurrent treatments and it has been pretty amazing I've used it for almost a sixty day period that's like the sort of like initial use phase of it. But um. Generally whenever I am actually going to be on camera for something or have an important meeting or interview I do it because it's sort of like just plumps up your face I know that sounds weird but um, but it plumps it up sort of like years ago they had those lip glosses that would just. Like plump up your lips. That's what this sort of does to your face. So I feel like that sheds some some time off my face too but aging gracefully and using preventative measures where I can that are easy to incorporate I'm not going.



Completely crazy yet and just turned 40 we'll see how the next ten years ago okay question 3 do you work out all the time I would love to I would absolutely love to I love to work out prior to having kids I did work out all the time. 5 or 6 days a week always in the morning always before work sort of like get the day started and generally on an empty stomach because I would just like get up at 5 5 thirty if I was training for a race I would get up at four thirty four am and and train um those are for marathons those aren't for like normal things. Um, side note I'm an incredibly slow Marathon Runner just do it for the fun for the competition I would love to work out more in. My house in la we do have an area to work out but it has been an insane heat wave like pretty much all of the summer and my family has been sick and not sick most of the summer so my workout routine has really gone off the rails plus having newborn twins you know then. That throws a wrench of things to flag the plans to work out. But um, it's just it's something that I always try to get back to I have um core club ploties the app.



Which is a monthly subscription and you can do peloti at home with or without equipment the core club equipment is actually pretty great I pair they have their their balls their bands matte and then I have the balla like bands. And um, like sliders. So those and like a mat or a rug and I feel like you can just get an amazing workout at home whenever you are pinched for time and I do have another option I'm going to try out soon when it cools down just a smidge. Um. Has got me this new Apple watch for my fortieth to you know, keep me motivated and I I've been wearing an Apple watch for I don't know five years four years and totally obsessed with it this one's even better because it comes with a three month um trial of Apple's fitness plus so I think I'm going to give it like two more weeks to cool off and then do that because I'm going to start some training runs outside on it and get some strength training now that the twins are almost a year old and my oldest is in school. Um. It just makes it a little bit easier to to work out and when I'm done breastfeeding them. It'll make it so much easier to get those morning and very early morning workouts in before everybody else wakes up. Okay question. 4.



What is you cheat meal I don't really have a cheat meal because I do try to eat what I want when I want it. Otherwise you're sort of like left in a lurch of craving something and thinking you about it and usually going up the deep end and eating like. 10 other things that you would also like to eat. Um, but if you're asking for like what would be like the meal that I would go all in on. It's more of I actually don't think like tacos are bad for you I am obsessed with tacos but I also eat like. Don't know like 6 tacos in a sitting um titos tacos in l a they're just like crunchy shell buttu cheese meat. They don't even put anything else on there. They're unreal I can eat like 10 of those I'm actually not kidding because they're so good. But I would have tacos and then a dessert ice cream properly to go with tacos just ice cream itself. No other toppings or weird stuff on it. that's it that's my that's my cheat meal. Question 5 was it easy to bounce back after having kids yeah because I've taken care of myself waiting up to both of my pregnancies like I said before working out a ton. Um, but in the right way that was right for my body paloties and running.



Those are things that work for me and even after twins I feel like there's like some sort of like muscle memory to it all? Um I fit back in my clothes maybe like a size up in genes but um. I haven't really even thought about the whole bounceback concept because I haven't tried I just have enjoyed the time with my kids and um that special newborn first year phase without putting any pressure. There's no need to like fit back into your clothes right? away. Like enjoy the snuggles. Enjoy that time, you'll never get back and you'll return to who you are who are meant to be like the new you especially if you're a new parent. You know the new you may not be like that 6 pack type of person again. That's okay I promise okay question 6 how tall are you? This has come up like surprisingly often, especially when I posted pictures of like my full self. Ah I don't know if some people thought I was short. Um, or even medium size. But I'm not I'm like giant. Um, that's how people used to come up to me in college like wow you're tall I mean I'm not even six feet tall but I'm pretty close. Maybe I'm six feet if I really stand up straight but I'm surprisingly tall.



Question 7 what products? do you use on your skin. Okay, specifically it's changed especially when trying to get pregnant while pregnant and then while nursing I don't use anything with a ton of ingredients. Joke around that like I'm unscented because I don't want any perfume. Um I don't have used products with perfumes in them I use pretty much clean stuff I use o c I think that's how you say it? Oseaoc Malibu



Their products are amazing I use some of the goop glow products The the goop globe for day is actually really great. My husband steals it. It kind of gives you this like um, sort of like freshly washed skin effect. It's really Nice. Um. And then I use Image Skin Karmax Eye cream I've started using that recently as I've been nursing less. Um I didn't use that while I was was pregnant or trying to um I used in the Oc eye cream and let's see what else I Love Oils. Um.



Cintia again I'm probably butchering that santias you can get it on durm store or on their website. They have a vital rich serum and a vitamin c serum that are fantastic and I sort of use those as layers. Um I can go on and on about eminence. Their their coconut I like night cream anti-asian cream is so good smell so good and they have one other I don't remember the name offhand but it smells so good. There. They have a strawberry ruber serum. Which kind of plummps up your skin as well. That's also fantastic. You like put that on on and wait like five minutes till it's like not tacky and then you can put other product on top of it I really really really love 2 things from them right now they have a. Sort of gel I don't know um, gel balm cleanser. Um, you put it onto dry skin actually and there's a lot of those out there that like you put them on and like it just kind of sits on your face. But this one melts into your face and it's a great makeup remover's there I think it's a wildflower bomb cleansing bomb and then there's a tumeric exfoliator and you leave it on for like 10 or 30 minutes and it sort of burns. But it views it a couple times a week. It is.



Fantastic, um, and I and use it at night. My friend jeron who was a facialist here from head to toe l a she suggests using it at night because it like really cleans out your skin and also if you've sensitive skin. You might be a little bit red. But um. Put a sunscreen on every day on my face over your eyelids lip area neck ears on my hands everywhere before I go out and sometimes even if I'm just in the house because the sun could get you even in your house. And on an airplane. Fun fact there put on sunscreen before flight, especially if you're in a windows seat. Um, okay I think that's all the products I use for right now, but it changes um, okay, so let's say question. Eat funny I just got a text message from my friend Sharon um, as I was reading that off question 8 are you in workout clothes all the time I mean currently, yes I definitely am um I'd love myself some lu lemon and vire.



But I do dress up I I got rid of most of my clothing and have like a capsule wardrobe which is pretty freeing I wear a y r all the time. Love love love and love their jeans. My son is named Levi so I get a lot of Levi's jeans as well and trying to think of what other clothing brands I've worn recently I mean I live in aor truth. It's great and um and I try to like. Wear athleisure. So I can just like jump into a workout or if I'm passing a pallati studio I can go in. Um, so that it's always kind of athleisure is my world but I've realized we've also moved into a society where we work clothes again. So um I try to go back and forth. Usually with some nikes or some like idda slides on okay question 9 how do you have time to do all of you do great question I used to have a sign at and my desk when I worked in an office that said. Have as many hours in the day as Beyonce true. However I don't have a chef or a personal drainer or you know a closet organizer or any of that stuff. But but it's true that we only have this like finite amount of time to get things done.



So often I batch work like I only do certain projects in certain days like for example, recording podcasts right now I'm doing Monday Wednesday Friday I edit on Monday Wednesday Friday as well. I do any prep work. Um, for blog posts or social media etc reaching out to guests scheduling time pitching you know myself on other podcasts as well and all during Monday Wednesday friday on my podcast days and then um. And Tuesday and Thursday to hear of other business needs and usually on Mondays too I truthfully have family stuff to take care of things in the personal life and world and um jump on those as well. I try not spend any time on social media on the weekends don't do work on the weekends I am building a four day work week. So that on Fridays it we'll have off um but in time and things slip things slip all the time I am not perfect and. You know Instagram is definitely a highlight reel of things for sure. Um, but I do my best every day and I you know I have to go to in and out for lunch because that's all the time allows like I do that and then my next meal.



Eating well or my next snack. Um, do the now is really good but you get what I mean here of like there's not time to like look back and be like oh I did this wrong. It's always like this happened I'm going to move forward this or I didn't make this. To do lists like I didn't check off the last 5 things but like maybe the 3 things I did were really big and really move the needle forward. So I tend to look at things like that of not everything all has to be done 100 % or hundred percent done but the important things sort of the hardest things are done and to let go about stuff that doesn't get done but I wear a lot of hats I do best that way. So I kind of thrive on living this way and getting. So much done and adding more to my blade every day. Okay, last question here. Question 10 are you a nutritionist technically? yes yes I am I've gone through the training. Ah. Required to be a nutritionist in the state of California and yes I can call myself that I have mad respect for dieticians and all of the work that they do to clinically help people with health issues and health conditions.



My work doesn't touch on that if someone's coming to me and they have a cholesterol issue or heart problems I'm going to refer them to dieticians in my network that specialize in those areas you know if you have a medical condition like. You should be working with someone who's gone through that clinical training. But if you want to curb tension headaches or sugar addiction come to me those are problems that we can work on and. Get you the results that you want and get those results pretty quickly. So I I would love to really put it out there that I am a nutritionist because I am I have all that knowledge base. But I just don't want there to be any confusion between what I can do and offer and want to. Dietician can offer as well. So anyway, that actually is a really great question because in the next season season 2 of this podcast I will be having on my favorite registered dietitians on to talk about their practice and what they're seeing sort of in. In the health and wellness space. So anyway I think those are the main questions I'm like double checking my list here. Um, but I will come on again and answer even more questions in the future. Um.



But I will get back to my Ama. It's when they put them out there I like to follow with the through and things I don't like to waste people's time. So if you did submit a question this last time I'm sorry I didn't get back to it. But if you submit again in the future I got you anyway, if you have any more questions that. I did not get to feel free to email me Dm me and I will make sure to answer your questions on social. So I get back to you right? away. Thank you.


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