Summer is here. Let's eat like it.

Are strawberries good for you? Yes. Are strawberries in season? Yes. What are the benefits of eating strawberries? Let’s dive in.

Strawberries are my oldest son's all-time favorite food. They are always in our fridge and always on the grocery list. I don’t hesitate at buying them (just not at Erewhon because I’d be broke) or giving them to him any time he asks. Why? Let’s break down how awesome strawberries are for you.*

  1. Vitamin C: a serving of 8 strawberries is equivalent to a full day’s serving of vitamin C. This aids in immune function and iron absorption. Vitamin C is also an antioxidant that fights free radicals linked to heart disease and cancer.

  2. Potassium: helps balance electrolytes, aids muscle contractions, and keeps blood pressure at a healthy level.

  3. Folate: a powerful B vitamin that helps red blood cells and all cells function properly.

  4. Fiber: supports both heart and digestive health. Strawberries contain 3 grams of both soluble and insoluble fiber.

  5. Ellagic acid: acts as an antioxidant, protecting cells and reducing inflammation.

  6. Flavonoids: reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease, and cognitive decline.

Admittedly, after this many years with this fruit always around, I know my way around this berry and just about every single way to make it exciting. 

A few ideas: 

  • Sliced strawberries with salted pistachios and drizzled balsamic vinegar. Somehow this combo just works.

  • Mashed strawberries mixed into labneh, put on toast or slathered with dark roasted almond butter onto bread (or honestly, eaten by the spoonful) for a grown-up PBJ.

  • Diced strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and a handful of sugar, and a dash of water - put it all in a small pot and slow boil till everything's melty. Now put the homemade berry syrup on or in everything. Even a cocktail.

  • Replace jam or jelly with freshly cut strawberries.

  • Add to banana nice cream! Freeze sliced strawberries and sliced bananas together in a plastic or Stash bag. Add frozen fruit and a splash of non-dairy milk to the blender. Blend till smooth. Eat!

  • Dice strawberries into the tiniest pieces your knife skills will allow (mine are still sort of big) and do the same with ripe avocado. Pull out a popsicle mold and add in a small layer of vanilla greek yogurt, a layer of strawberries, a layer of yogurt, layer of avocado, until each mold is filled. Freeze and enjoy when frozen.

*Source: California Strawberries


Summer Eating, Part 2


Spring Menu Reset... go! 🥬