Summer Eating, Part 2

Temperatures are rising, cue the hydration station.

Welcome back for part two of four weeks of seasonal eating. Now that summer is in full swing and at least in California, the farmer's markets are booming. There's produce that signifies BBQs, picnics, and a slew of holidays and long weekends. To me, a summer holiday is not complete unless there is watermelon there. Full stop. Sweet, savory, spicy, and even liquified, it's the perfect balance of sweetness that every event in the summer needs. 


What makes a good watermelon? What are watermelon nutrition facts? What’s the ultimate watermelon salad recipe? Let’s dive into it all.

It's tricky to pick a watermelon that's just right. Frankly, any melon for that matter. The general rule of thumb: 

  • Find a watermelon that's a good size and uniform size.

  • If the melon is on the heavier side, it's generally sweeter.

  • Look for a darker yellow spot somewhere on the melon. This indicates it's been on the vine longer and has more flavor. (If the spot is white, the melon isn't ripe.)

  • The bigger the webbing on the exterior of the melon, the sweeter it is.

  • The darker and duller the skin is, the better the melon will be.

What to do with that ideal melon: 

  • Taking a cue from one of my favorite sandwich shops: diced watermelon, diced cucumber, sliced grape tomatoes, chopped jalapeno, green onion, and fresh mint, in a Thai vinaigrette. (You could do fish sauce with lime juice too.)

  • Lightly grill watermelon and serve it as a side to a burger (2 mins each side, no oil.)

  • Add diced watermelon to a bowl of feta, chopped basil and mint, olive oil, and sea salt.

  • Making salsa? Be sure to add some watermelon to a tomato-based salsa. It adds an unexpected sweetness.

  • Stir together watermelon, tequila, and lime juice. Add agave if you need it. Pour over ice, top with plain seltzer, a pinch of sea salt, and some jalapeno if you like it spicy.

  • Combine 3ish cups of cubed watermelon, 4 cups cooked (and cooled) farro, 1 small diced red onion, 1/2 cup ricotta salata or feta. Drizzle with olive oil and lemon. Add a dash of salt and pepper. Toss and serve.

The best part yet is the health benefits of watermelon. Otherwise known as, the disease fighter!

  1. Lycopene: Watermelon has more lycopene than any other fresh fruit or vegetable - even tomatoes! Lycopene is an antioxidant linked to decreased risk of cancer, heart disease, and age-related eye disorders.

  2. Vitamin A: is an important vitamin for skin and eye health.

  3. Vitamin B6: helps your body break down the protein you eat and is also important for the immune system and nerve function. Bonus: if you’ve been on the pill for a very long time, chances are you are extremely deficient in this vitamin. Deficiency in this vitamin can also impact female fertility.

  4. Potassium: helps balance electrolytes, aids muscle contractions, and keeps blood pressure at a healthy level.

  5. Hydration: watermelons are made up of 92% water, so they are the perfect snack if you’re feeling like you can’t drink another glass of water on a hot day.

*Sources: Watermelon Board, Mayo Clinic


Summer Eating, Part 3 (It's not just about juice)


Summer is here. Let's eat like it.