Interesting Things On the Internet: Edition 16

Four months in and serving up one of my favorite roundups of links yet. Ways to think, ways others think, and ways to influence what you think. And bonus: the way I think, with my personality twin Brie Larson. Ha! Enjoy! 

From Marvel to YouTube: You know when you find your personality soulmate? I just did with Brie Larson and her new YouTube channel. She’s as random and silly as I am, and I am only slightly freaking out; it’s like listening to myself record a YouTube video.  

Gen Z Culture Report: Spotify released a report on 15 to 24-year-olds today that maps out why this generation (like so many before them) is unlike any in existence. My favorite part is honing in on this generation bringing in different cultures closer together than ever before and thinking about what that means for our future, better world. 

Incubation for Creative Thinking:  I often end calls or creative meetings with the line, if you think of something brilliant like when you’re eating dinner tonight or taking a shower tomorrow morning, just let me know what you think of. I’m sure many people think it’s strange. But there’s something to making your mind relax and not think about what you’re supposed to be thinking about that lets the ideas flow. Now there’s science to back it up. 

Virtual Museum: Anyone, anywhere, at any time, can visit the world’s first virtual museum. Various art museums around the world have loaned well-known works to the exhibit - Caravaggio, Bosch, Manet, etc.  

Clean Energy = WFH Perk: With less commuting, it’s making our climate and air quality better (there was one day during March where LAs air was the cleanest in the world - I’m not even joking), there’s a massive increase in homes being high energy sources. Arcadia is working to help employees offset their workers with higher home energy footprints.  

NYPL Essential Reads: I could wax on about books for days, and NYPL lists are where I’ve found so many of my favorite reads. Their Books to Remember series in the early 2000s are full of gems. To celebrate the 100th anniversary of women’s right to vote, NYPL released 126 essential reads on Feminism. I’ll be bookmarking several as must-reads ASAP. 


Interesting Things On the Internet: Edition 17


Interesting Things On the Internet: Edition 15