Interesting Things On the Internet: Edition 17

Hey guys. A weird week or what? If you agree, then you'll dig this week's links filled with both essential and random items. Heavy and light. On topic and off-topic. Sort of like how this week went. Insert a few smileys, upside down, cocktail emojis here. Happy weekending!

Jemele Hill: I met Jemele a few years ago at a women's event in Las Vegas. A rising star then, but what I took away was a woman with perspective, heart, and a lot of life inside her. Since then, she's grown and grown (and I seriously see her tagged in an IG post nearly every day), and this piece is one of hers I'm particularly proud of. Support it, and everything necessary Jemele is bringing to our world.  

Future of Air Travel: Wonder what it's like to get on a plane again? I'm equal parts scared and excited. If someone tells me they've flown somewhere, I pepper them with a million questions - from airline perks to sanitization options. I'm not only curious about what's going on now; I'm highly curious about what will happen to travel across the board beyond 2020.

Ban Bad Habits: Okay, I feel relieved. I'm not the only one who picked up a bad habit or three these past six months. Here are a few quick, simple tips to banish the bad. 

The Prince of Georgia: I don't know whether to be terrified of this IG star or impressed. But this article points out the cultural relevance of the prince's social media presence. It's so weird, but I love it. 

Because it's Friday: Two riddles to stump you or at least get your brain turning when it's almost the weekend. 

Your Quarantine Name: Created by the folks over at The Oatmeal. Enjoy it. 


Interesting Things On the Internet: Edition 18


Interesting Things On the Internet: Edition 16