Interesting Things On the Internet: Edition 15

Innovation. Disruption. Perspective. Lots to discuss this week in this newsletter and in the world. Do you feel that change? That itty, bitty, bit of change happening? Yes, we’re still going stir crazy, but change is afoot, and it’s a big one: Happy Friday and Happy Weekending to you. 

Apple Beta Testing: Does sleep tracking and getting your dance moves to count towards exercise appeal to you? Then it’s pretty easy to sign up to be an Apple Beta Tester for the upcoming release of the watch OS as well as other Apple releases.

What Exactly is MasterClass?: True confession. The MasterClass ads get me every time, but I have never pulled the trigger to purchase one. How do they get the Anna Wintour’s of the world to film these classes and give their secrets of their crafts to the world? Here’s how. 

Netflix (UnWell): As a wellness movement lover, this bums me out to say this, but there’s a lot of unproven out there in the wellbeing industry (i.e., not science-backed) and Netflix is breaking it down in this docu-series. 

Behold the Bold: After being quarantined for 150 days (that’s five months folks!), we are changing a lot about our behaviors. One is how we show up online. Have you noticed friends and family speaking out in ways they wouldn’t have a year ago? Or yourself? There’s science behind it. 

A City Run by Children: Since the 1970s, a city run by children - a minicity - pops up in Munich. The city is created and built for kids, and whatever is on their mind that particular year. 

Thoughts on Being a Feminist: Raise your hand if the term feminist makes you feel uncomfortable? I’m one of those people. While I love the meaning behind it, I am sometimes describing myself as one feels strange. This article shows that others, too, feel this way.


Interesting Things On the Internet: Edition 16


Interesting Things On the Internet: Edition 14