Easy Protein Meals to Stay Fuller Longer

The struggle to find quick, easy and satisfying protein-based meals to keep us feeling fuller for longer is something we all face. Especially when we have busy lives, mealtime becomes a rush and grabbing a convenient snack becomes inevitable. However, snacking on our 3pm cravings (hello, lattes and pastries) can cause sugar crashes and leave us feeling hungry. In today's post, I’ll share a few recipe ideas for quick and easy protein-based meals that will keep you feeling fuller for longer.

Greek Yogurt Bowl - One of the simplest ways to get a nutrient-rich snack and get a protein kick is by making a Greek yogurt bowl. Take a cup of Greek yogurt and mix in honey or fruit or even powdered acai and nut butter. Keep this power-packed bowl in reach whenever hunger strikes. Greek yogurt is an excellent source of protein and contains more protein than regular yogurt. Yogurt paired with a healthy fat like nut butter makes it the ideal combo for feeling fuller for longer. Bonus energy boost: adding in dark berries or acai.

Turkey Roll-Up - Turkey is an easy source of lean protein. A turkey roll-up with avocado and cheese and spinach rolled up with the turkey is a complete meal in itself. Take a slice of turkey and a handful of spinach, and add a smear of avocado and a slice of cheese. Roll it up and toss it into a container for a quick meal that you can eat on the go. This also works great with rotisserie chicken!

Grilled Chicken Salad - A grilled chicken salad is an easy, high protein meal that will leave you feeling full and is perfect to take on-the-go. Grill a chicken breast or use leftover chicken, add a handful of greens, and some nuts and put in a to-go container. Mix olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and sea salt in a small container and dress the salad when ready. This makes the perfect on-the-go lunch or mini-meal before a night out.

Bean Salad - Beans are an excellent source of protein and fiber. Make a hearty bean salad to boost your protein intake throughout the day. Mix cannellini beans, black beans, and kidney beans with some chopped spring onions, cherry tomatoes and red pepper. Add a drizzle of olive oil and balsamic vinegar to increase the flavor and energy-enhancing profile, and your meal is ready.

Egg Muffins - Egg muffins are a great grab-and-go meal that is perfect for breakfast or lunch - or even a late afternoon mini-meal! Beat eggs, add diced onions, peppers, and spinach leaves. Pour into a greased muffin tray (coconut oil works great) and bake for 20 minutes. This protein-packed snack is ideal for any time of the day and will keep you full for hours. Plus, these muffins freeze well. Make a bunch now and have some for anytime you need them.

Stocking up on protein-rich foods, paired with healthy fats can leave you feeling satiated for longer. These easy to make protein-based meals can save you time and give you the fuel you need to tackle your busy day. Make sure to add these quick and easy high protein meal and mini-meal ideas to your weekly meal plan, and start enjoying a longer curve of feeling satisfied and fuller for longer.


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