Interesting Things On the Internet: Edition 20.21

We are here, we are finally, finally here. Doesn’t it feel good? Fresh, free, and full of momentum. I know you were right here with me the past year - stressed and confused. And pretty lonely too. While that part hasn’t quite lifted, we’re all ready for that new start.  

ITOTI is still going to come on Fridays at 11 am PT, but weekly(ish). I want to deliver content that matters vs. hitting a deadline. Also, I’m taking a position on clean products, food, and overall taking better care, clean care, of ourselves. It’s essential to ourselves and our world. And for really making a mark on 2021. (More on my quest here.)

Find me on IG: @syrupcoaching and follow the hashtag #goodcleanpfef for content specifically about clean care. 

Be you, be well!


Amanda Gorman: The brightest light of 2021, smart, strong, and brave Amanda Gorman made our week’s. Brilliant, yes, and also brave, Amanda has worked hard to overcome both an auditory processing disorder and speech articulation issues.  

7 Day Allyship Journey: Esteemed professors Margaret Neale, Sarah Soule, and Hannah Yanow offer a free anti-racist and allyship journey. It’s quick, informative, and leaves you wanting to learn more about being a better citizen of the world. 

Should this be a meeting?: A diagram explaining that no, this should not be a meeting right now or yes, but make it a better atmosphere and shorter meeting to get more done with less Zoom. 

Hostility is High: What we can learn from times gone really, really bad and how to get through them. 

Millennial Preparedness: This line coins it all, “Who knew I was training for this moment—living, working, and parenting under the duress of a global pandemic—my entire career.” Millennials have been multitasking and taking it all in and on themselves for years. Why is a pandemic no different? 

MIT COVID Cough: MIT has created an AI model to detect asymptomatic COVID-19 infections. Making it easy to detect who in a room has COVID. I wish I would have known about this a few weeks ago… #WearAMask


Interesting Things On the Internet: Edition 22


Interesting Things On the Internet: Edition 19