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A Side of Syrup Podcast - EP 007: A Guide to Understanding Organic and Other Food Label Claims with Shannon Pfeffer of Syrup
Coaching, Food, Podcast Shannon Pfeffer Coaching, Food, Podcast Shannon Pfeffer

A Side of Syrup Podcast - EP 007: A Guide to Understanding Organic and Other Food Label Claims with Shannon Pfeffer of Syrup

After fifteen years in food marketing, I’ve got a thing or two to say about food labels.

Food labels are there for a reason - to keep us safe. However, what is written on pack is often deceiving and dare I say it, unregulated. Not that it’s not totally false. But advertisers and marketers (the ones responsible for the copy on the packaging) tend to push the limits and spin a product in a certain way that’s appealing to the ideal target consumer.

In today’s episode I dive into that “a ha” moment that happened to me when I had to launch a product with light backing behind a bold health claim.

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