I Need a Health Coach. To Go to Trader Joe’s With Me.

In today’s latest round-up of, “I need a health coach.” We are headed to fan favorite, Trader Joe’s. Here’s a list of what me and the team at Shannon Pfeffer Wellness actually buys.

A mid-week stock-up wouldn’t be complete without these health & wellness items at Trader Joe’s.

Sharing 8 picks & WHY I like them-

Chicken bone broth: Bone broth is a source of collagen, amino acids, and minerals. These nutrients help support a healthy gut. A daily dose of bone broth is a great hold-over snack until dinner, and bonus points for protein in every sip.

Plain whole milk Greek yogurt: Greek yogurt is an excellent protein-rich base for parfaits or smoothies, or it can be used as a dip or drizzle on a savory meal.

Guacamole to go: Fact - avocados don’t travel well, but single-serve guac to go does! Each serving packs a punch of healthy fats from avocados, including monounsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids, essential for heart health and cognitive function.

Raw, unsalted cashews: Cashews can be a snack, a crunchy salad topper, or thrown into a smoothie if you don’t have nut butter available. They are a mix of protein, healthy fats, and minerals like magnesium, zinc, and iron - this means they help you feel energized and boost your immunity. We all need that right now, right?

Organic blackberries: Packed with vitamin C and K, these berries have antioxidants help combat oxidative stress and inflammation - both precursors to chronic health conditions and early aging.

Creamy peanut butter: There are a lot of kids in my house (and ones who come over a lot), so we always have regular PB. Don’t fear the salt! It adds flavor and gives your body the sodium it probably needs (proper sodium levels help regulate your body’s functions).

Hummus to go: Whether you’ve got a veggie or a cracker OR need a healthy salad dressing, hummus is a rich protein and fat source food that is incredibly versatile.

Organic microgreens: Organic microgreens are young vegetable greens that are incredibly dense in nutrients, including vitamins C, E, and K, lutein, and beta-carotene. Despite their small size, they pack a flavorful and nutritional punch, offering a way to boost the vitamin and antioxidant content of any meal. They're perfect for adding a fresh, nutrient-rich element to salads, sandwiches, and wraps. Or even add a few handfuls into your morning smoothie!

If you’re looking for more ideas or help navigating the aisles, just schedule time to talk to someone on our team.


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I Need a Nutrition Coach. Help!