Making the New Year Feeling Stick

Years ago my old boss tried to give me advice and I didn’t listen.

Mostly because I wasn’t yet at his life stage. Married, family, kids in school. I was freshly in Los Angeles and focused on making friends and connections wherever I could. But as I enter the phase of life where he was when he doled out the advice it truly makes sense.

Each new school year is your new New Year. Your starting over point. Your new time of year to make resolutions that stick.

All of that rings true. But I’d like to add another line.

The energy of this season is vibrant, work to hang onto that feeling for as long as you can.

Think of what it felt like when you were a kid on your first day back after what felt like an endless summer. Nerves, excitement, anticipation for the unexpected, hanging onto secret dreams for the year ahead. Magic coupled with mystery.

As an adult we feel that for our kids who are going back to school or starting a new school. But can we hold onto that feeling for ourselves too? We are entering that New Year phase too. Why not delve into that magic/mystery feeling as well?

Set ambitious goals. Make a plan for change. Do something that scares you. Focus that vibrant energy into who you want to be, now and later.

Just promise me you won’t sit on this. Do, do, do. And if you feel you can’t do it on your own and need a roadmap. Let’s grab coffee. I’d love to help.


A Side of Syrup Podcast - EP 007: A Guide to Understanding Organic and Other Food Label Claims with Shannon Pfeffer of Syrup


Simple Habit Shifts