Interesting Things On the Internet: Edition 9

If there's one thing to pay attention to this week, it's the link to Cleo Wade's TED Talk. While presented in late 2017, her message is hopeful, positive, and what truly matters to every human being right now - be as good to as many people as you can. I know dropped Zoom calls and bad connections are annoying. I know that being re-sheltered-in-place is arriving. And I know that the Fourth of July without a celebration feels somewhat lame. BUT, what matters most aren't those things. It's listening, loving, and caring for those around you. Those you know and those you don't. 

Making change, small change, or life-enhancing change, is hard. But the responsibility for change falls on us all. (And well, I help primarily with that through my coaching). Do what you can when you can and have a Happy Fourth of July weekend. 

Cleo Wade's TED Talk: Eleven minutes of pure gold from poet, author, and the woman aptly named the Millennials Oprah. If you're not familiar with Cleo, I highly suggest checking out her Instagram feed. 

Two Questions to Change Your Life: Jessica Thiefels presents an interesting theory, use your curiosity to move you forward in life. She poses two seemingly simple questions that are bound to get you thinking and changing. 

NPR's Best Books List: While bestseller lists are great, I totally dig book roundups. They're typically by people who read across genres and open to discovering new authors, not just what everyone else is reading. NPR's book list covers the past six years, is interactive in format, and makes shopping for a weekend read (or haul, like I just did) super easy.

Women's Roller Derby, Kicking COVID's Ass: While so many other professional sporting organizations are still figuring it out, Women's Roller Derby created a COVID plan to keep their sport going. Since the document published, over 700 organizations - inside sport and out - have requested the details and how they could adopt the plan for their organizations. 

Surf Ranch: Kelly Slater's surf company created Surf Ranch, a 2,000-foot-long artificial basin powered by a system of hydrofoils that zip along a track to generate waves. The wave pool creates a perfect surfing experience every time. While critics slam this concept, the ranch's like this one could be the future for professional surfing tournaments as climate change wreaks havoc on the ocean. 

Does College Make You Happier?: College is an investment in the future. But with the future so unknown right now… the future of what? And how best do we prepare for it? Should be the questions we're asking the next generation as they prepare for what's next.


Interesting Things On the Internet: Edition 10


Interesting Things On the Internet: Edition 8