Interesting Things On the Internet: Edition 11

As people are getting more and more bored at home, awesome things are surfacing. There's light news, inspiring news, or even predictions about what our future looks like it's being heard and seen. Here are a few that stood out this week: 

Grandma as Bowie: Nursing home residents are bored too. These gems recreated classic album covers. Watch out Taylor Swift; there’s a new grandma in town! 

How to Trick Your Brain to Remember Anything: Do you often forget something right after you swore to yourself to remember it? Memory champion Nelson Dellis gives tips on remembering that are easy to remember. 

Women Paying the COVID Tax: A new study out of three major universities in the US and Australia highlights a key finding - mothers are bearing the brunt of the pandemic and may face long-term employment penalties as a consequence. For women, this means that upcoming promotions and raises are likely to benefit fathers who continued working full hours (not to mention non-parents). 

Pantone’s Color App: Need to know a color, like right now? With the Pantone Connect app its easy. Place your phone over the color you want to track down, and Pantone will give you the shade and potential alternates. 

#IndiaMeetsGhana: Michelle and Amit met when they were 13 and married when they were 27. Their wedding video went viral, and they used the lift to create a platform for interracial couples. The video and their happiness are just what we all need right now!  

Slipper Factories in Japan: Finally (!!!), people around the world are embracing the need to take off their shoes upon entering a home. Trekking in dirt, dust, and potentially a virus is enough to increase the demand for at-home slippers


Interesting Things On the Internet: Edition 12


Interesting Things On the Internet: Edition 10