Interesting Things On the Internet: Edition 7

No matter where I turn, color, and art are catching my eye. The creativity gene that oftentimes is dormant feels alive. Does this mean I’m breaking out some watercolor or clay? Probably not. But my eyes are wide open for talent to add life and perspective to the plain walls around me. This week’s links explore creativity, art, and colors. Here you go: 

Lady Noel: After a night of not being able to fall asleep, I discovered Lady Noel art. A young, black artist based out of Cleveland. Her work (and her Instagram) are a vivid and soulful representation of life. She’s not afraid of anything, especially her use of color. Take a look at each of her collections; I’m trying to hunt down some for my office. Can anyone help with that? 

Inner & Outer Space: Know the name, Dr. Kathy Sullivan? You should. Besides being the first woman to walk on the moon at age 33, Sullivan now 68 just traveled to the deepest part of the ocean. So cool!

How 70 Black Photographers See America: In a new series titled, See in Black, the body of work aims to show the world a view that is theirs. And gives black artists a chance to control their narrative - showing their experience of the world. 

The Secret to Refueling the Economy: You’re not alone if you’re questioning the way you earn, especially after WFH for months. Easy to use tools are being released, tested, and working for those who want to take a skill or service and make it their future job. With our survival instincts in high gear, these tools are empowering, allowing you to contribute to you and the world’s collective recovery.

Helpful Hypercolor: Remember the color-changing shirts of the 90s? They just got better. New biomaterial ink can warn the wearer about potential health issues and change colors as it monitors performance and health.

Gelatinous Animated Characters: Jell-O is cool, animation is cool, but when you combine them, you’ve got something worthy of daytime distraction. The “home work out” post is a personal favorite. 


Interesting Things On the Internet: Edition 8


Interesting Things On the Internet: Edition 6