Life-Enhancing Change

At Syrup, we specialize in life-enhancing change. That doesn’t mean we’re matchmakers or trip of a lifetime planners (but the latter would be nice!). It means that we have a methodology that enables you to cultivate significant and impactful change to enhance your life.

Change is a huge category in and of itself. What we offer is specific coaching around three areas of change you can make in your career and personal life.

1.) Big: Life-altering changes that are planned for. Everyone notices.

2.) Medium: Significant changes in you or your work. Those close to you notice.

3.) Small: Tiny changes that add up to something big. Only you notice, but it changes your world.

Through assessments, framework, and homework (not too much), we help you take the steps to cultivate change in your life.

Are you ready? Let’s get started.


Investing in Yourself