What to Order: Paradise Bowls

Paradise Bowls makes gigantic portions of wonderful acai smoothie bowls that are perfect for a family or group to share at the beach. Like any smoothie place, there are always tweaks you can make to make the bowls less of a blood sugar spike and more of an all-encompassing, satisfying meal.

Here’s what to order when you go:

  • Gaucho: Add protein powder, peanut butter, and spinach blended in; Remove: granola, banana, honey.

  • Peach Bum: Add protein powder, bee pollen, hemp seeds, and kale blended in; Remove: granola, banana, and honey.

  • Chocolate Arc: Add protein powder, hemp seeds, and kale & peanut butter blended in; Remove: granola, banana, honey, and cacao nibs.

Enjoy! ~SP


What to Order: Bear Flag Fish Co.