Summer to Fall: Transitioning Your Diet for Cooler Weather

As the seasons shift from the heat of summer to the crispness of fall, our dietary needs subtly shift as well. This change in the weather calls for an adaptation in our meals, from light and refreshing dishes to those that provide warmth and energy. This blog post explores strategies to adjust your diet to align with the seasonal transition, ensuring you feel nourished, satisfied, and ready to embrace the cooler months.

Understanding Seasonal Dietary Needs

As temperatures drop, the body's metabolism changes in response to cooler weather. The cooler months require more energy* to maintain body warmth and comfort, making it crucial to adjust your eating habits. This doesn't just mean opting for warmer foods but also choosing those that provide the right kind of sustenance for longer-lasting energy and improved immune health.

*energy can be a tricky term sometimes as it’s synonymous with being caffeinated. In this case, energy means the energy you get from foods and the energy you exert to burn off what you eat.

Nutritional Strategies for Transitioning Seasons

1. Incorporate Seasonal Vegetables

Start by including more root vegetables like carrots, sweet potatoes, and beets in your diet. These foods are not only seasonal in fall but are excellent for roasting, which enhances their natural sugars and makes them more comforting. They’re also packed with vitamins and minerals that can help boost your immune system during the colder months. Eating roasted Beets & Sweets is an awesome combo that tastes WAY better than a pastry at a coffee shop.

2. Choose Whole Grains

Whole grains like quinoa, brown rice, and barley are perfect for cooler weather. They are ideal for adding substance and warmth to your meals. These grains are not only filling but also help in stabilizing blood sugar levels, providing you with sustained energy throughout the day. Hot tip: cook the grains in bone broth for a collagen-enriched side.

3. Opt for Healthier Fats

Incorporate healthier fats into your diet through nuts, seeds, and oils like olive and coconut oil. These fats are not only essential for body warmth but also help absorb vitamins that are vital during the darker months. Sometimes we snack more when the weather changes, especially when it’s colder temps. Aim for pre-portioned bags or containers of nuts and seeds… or even shots of olive oil if you are brave!

4. Boost Intake of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, mackerel, and walnuts, are crucial during this seasonal transition. They contribute to the maintenance of cell membranes, keeping them fluid and flexible, which is necessary for keeping warm. Omega 3 Innovations is my favorite brand if you are looking to supplement. I’ve been a customer almost 10 years.

5. Hydration is Key

Even as the weather cools, staying hydrated is essential. Warm teas, soups, and even water with lemon can provide hydration and warmth simultaneously. A.B.H. guys, always be hydrating!

Fall Foods to Embrace

Embracing the bounty that fall has to offer can not only make your meals more interesting but also more nutritious.

  • Apples and Pears: These fruits are not only seasonal but are high in fiber and can be used in various dishes from breakfast to dinner.

  • Brussels Sprouts and Cabbage: High in vitamins C and K, these vegetables are perfect for boosting the immune system.

  • Pumpkins and Squash: Rich in vitamins and fiber, they are versatile in soups, stews, and even desserts.

Recipes to Try

  1. Roasted Butternut Squash Soup: Creamy and full of flavor, this soup is a quintessential fall comfort food.

  2. Quinoa and Roasted Vegetable Salad: A hearty and healthy option that can serve as a meal on its own.

  3. Baked Pear with Walnut and Honey: A simple, healthy dessert that can satisfy any sweet tooth without guilt.


Transitioning your diet from summer to fall doesn't have to be challenging. By incorporating seasonal vegetables, opting for whole grains, and focusing on healthier fats, you can enjoy a diet that not only caters to the body’s needs for warmth and energy but also tastes delicious. Embrace the change of season as an opportunity to explore new flavors and ingredients that not only satisfy the palate but also support your health.

By making these adjustments, you'll find that your body better adapts to the changing temperatures, helping you to remain energized, healthy, and comfortable throughout the season.

If you’re looking for more support during this seasonal change, schedule a free discovery call with the SPW team.


Hydration Through the Seasons: How Needs Change with the Climate


Boosting Immunity with Seasonal Foods: Transition from Summer to Fall